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CARLA Scenario Runner 0.9.15

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@glopezdiest glopezdiest released this 16 Nov 16:03
· 32 commits to master since this release

🚀 New Features

  • New scenarios:
    • InvadingTurn: vehicles at the opposite direction lane partially invade the ego's one, forcing it to leave space for them,moving slightly off-center.
    • EnterActorFlow: the ego has to enter a highway lane filled with incoming traffic
    • MergerIntoslowtraffic. variation of EnterActorFlow but with slow traffic.
    • InterurbanActorFlow and InterurbanAdvancedActorFlow: actor flow scenarios for the new interurban intersections with dedicated lanes present at Town12 and Town13.
    • Accident: the ego is met with an accident, forcing it to lane change to avoid it.
    • AccidentTwoWays: same as Accident but having to invade an opposite direction lane.
    • ParkedObstacle: similar to Accident but with a parked obstacle instead.
    • ParkedObstacleTwoWays: same as ParkedObstacle but having to invade an opposite direction lane.
    • HazardAtSideLane: similar to Accident but with a moving group of bicycles in the rightmost park of the lane
    • HazardAtSideLaneTwoWays: same as HazardAtSideLane but having to invade an opposite direction lane.
    • ConstructionObstacleTwoWays: same as ConstructionObstacle but having to invade an opposite direction lane.
    • VehicleOpensDoorTwoWays: similar to Accident but this time the blockage is cause by a vehicle opening its door.
    • StaticCutIn: the ego is meant with an adversary that exits a stopped lane, cutting in front of the ego.
    • ParkingCutIn: similar to StaticCutIn but the adversary starts at a parking lane.
    • HighwayCutIn: the ego is met with a vehicle that tries to enter the highway by cutting in front of it.
    • ParkingExit: Only usable at the beginning of the routes, makes the ego start at a parking lane.
    • HardBreakRoute: uses the BackgroundActivity to make all vehicles in front of the ego hard break.
    • YieldToEmergencyVehicle: the ego finds an emergency vehicle behind, having to lane chane to give way.
    • VehicleTurningRoutePedestrian: variation of VehicleTurningRoute but with a pedestrian crossing instead of a bycicle.
    • BlockedIntersection: with low visibility, the ego performs a turn only to find out that the end is blocked by another vehicle.
    • CrossingBicycleFlow: the ego has to do a turn at an intersection but it has to cross a bycicle lane full of traffic.
    • PedestrianCrossing: a group of pedestrians crossing a crosswalk. Easier version of DynamicObjectCrossing with no occluder.
    • ParkingCrossingPedestrian: variation of DynamicObjectCrossing, but using a parked vehicle as the occluder.
    • OppositeVehicleTakingPriority: variation of OppositeVehicleRunningRedLight but without traffic lights.
    • NonSignalizedJunctionLeftTurn: variation of SignalizedJunctionLeftTurn but without traffic lights.
    • NonSignalizedJunctionRightTurn: variation of SignalizedJunctionRightTurn but without traffic lights.
    • PriorityAtJunction: utility scenario during routes to add a green traffic light at the next intersection.
    • NoSignalJunctionCrossingRoute: Does nothing but wait for the ego to exit an intersection.
  • Improvements to old scenarios:
    • ControlLoss: Added actual noise to the ego's control (currently only during routes).
    • All VehicleTurning variations: more robustness and better synchronization.
    • OppositeVehicleRunningRedLight: Improvement synchronization and the opposite vehicle's behavior.
    • SignalizedJunctionLeftTurn: it is now an actor flow that ego has to cross.
    • SignalizedJunctionRightTurn. it is now an actor flow that the ego has to merge into.
    • Renamed ConstructionSetupCrossing to ConstructionObstacle, and prepared it for routes.
  • Improvements to the CarlaDataProvider:
    • Added a lock when checking the dictionaries to avoid issues in multithreading
    • Added the transform argument to all register function to avoid returning None during the first frame
    • Added the get_global_route_planner and get_all_actors to avoid repeating these costly calls more than necessary
    • Added set_runtime_init_mode and is_runtime_init_mode, used by the Leaderboard to initialize scenarios during the simulation
    • At the create_blueprint function, replaced the safe argument with the attribute_filter, for a more generic parsing of any of the blueprint attributes.
    • Removed the CarlaDataProvider.get_ego_vehicle_route() and CarlaDataProvider.set_ego_vehicle_route() functions as this is now information available to all scenarios.
  • Improvements to the routes:
    • Scenarios are no longer position based, but instead part of a route's xml.
    • Routes now also include the criteria of its scenarios.
    • waypoint have been renamed to position and are part of the waypoints category.
    • More than one weather are allowed, creating a dynamic one based on the ego vehicle's completed percentage of the route.
    • Changed the timeout to also be dependent on the distance driven by the ego vehicle.
    • Added the RouteLightsBehavior to control of all scene and vehicle lights during runtime
    • Added a new criteria for routes, CheckMinSpeed, that checks the ego's speed and compares it with the rest of the traffic
    • Separated the route argument into two, route for the file path, and route-id, for the name of route. the functionality remains unchanged.
    • Simplified the overall parsing.
  • The BackgroundActivity part of the routes has been completely remade, with the objective of creating the sensation of traffic around the ego will increasing the performance
  • Added a Backgroundmanager to interact with the new BackgroundActivity, to allow it to adapt to incoming scenarios
  • Added new atomic behaviors:
    • SyncArrivalWithAgent
    • CutIn
    • AddNoiseToRouteEgo
    • ConstantVelocityAgentBehavior
    • AdaptiveConstantVelocityAgentBehavior
    • WaitForever
    • BatchActorTransformSetter
    • OppositeActorFlow
    • InvadingActorFlow
    • BicycleFlow
    • OpenVehicleDoor
    • SwitchWrongDirectionTest
    • SwitchMinSpeedCriteria
    • WalkerFlow
    • AIWalkerBehavior
    • ScenarioTimeout
    • MovePedestrianWithEgo
  • Improved the Criterion class for a more comprehensive base criteria and easier use in the results_writer class.
  • Added new atomic criteria:
    • MinimumSpeedRouteTest
    • YieldToEmergencyVehicleTest
    • ScenarioTimeoutTest
  • Added new atomic trigger conditions
    • WaitUntilInFrontPosition
  • Merged the Scenario class into the BasicScenario one.
  • Scenarios can now have parameters as part of the their xml definition, which is saved as a dictionary at config.other_parameters
  • Simplified and improved how routes are parsed.
  • Added the wait-for-repetitions argument at the manual control for a smoother transition between scenarios / repetitions
  • Updated numpy's version to avoid issues with newer version of Python 3

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug at OtherLeadingVehicle scenario causing the vehicles to move faster than intended
  • Fixed bug causing some debris at ControlLoss scenario to be floating, instead of at ground level