- I'm JunYoung
- Working as Front-end engineer in Seoul, South Korea
- Interested in improving the developer experience to help focus on important goals.
- Enjoy interacting with other developers and creating various opportunities for learning.
- React-Use
- (PR) streamich/react-use#2622
- fix: fix: Modifying the useFirstMountState code for proper functioning in React 19 strict mode
- (PR) streamich/react-use#2622
- React-Hook-Form
- (PR) react-hook-form/react-hook-form#12580
- fix: setError in useEffect does not work when used inside the FormProvider context
- (PR) react-hook-form/react-hook-form#12622
- fix: add condition to prevent infinite render
- (PR) react-hook-form/react-hook-form#12580
- TypeScript Website
- (PR) microsoft/TypeScript-Website#2840
- fix: remove-display-table for mobile device
- (PR) microsoft/TypeScript-Website#2840