The City of Cambridge is committed to building repositories for data to be used by developers and for public consumption. Cambridge GIS has posted the majority of the data sets on this official City of Cambridge site. Larger size files which do not lend themselves to this site (such as elevation data, raster, and LiDAR) will soon be available for download at and also available on DVD or by stopping by our offices (by appointment) at 831 Massachusetts Avenue.
All of these layer are also available for download in Shapefile and Esri File Geodatabase format on our website at
GitHub recognizes our GeoJSON files and creates interactive maps using Mapbox for most files. You can also view or download the raw GeoJSON using the 'Raw' button.
If you notice a problem with the data, you can report an issue on this site using the New Issue form.
You can also click 'Edit' on any GeoJSON file to make a fork/copy on your own account, make changes, and suggest that they get adopted here.
All of our data is in Massachusetts State Plane Coordinate System NAD 83, feet, except those files converted to GeoJSON which are in WGS84. We are constantly upgrading and improving our data layers and hopefully you will find this data useful and accurate. Please notify Cambridge GIS if you see any issues with the data by contacting us at [email protected].