Talos k8s Cluster GitOps managed by Flux, Kustomize, Sops and Renovate. Inspired by projects under k8s-at-home.
- Helm v3.10+
- Flux v0.41+
- Sops v3.7+
- Age 1.0+
- kubectl v1.20+
- Tested on k3 kubernetes v1.25.7
Create age key.
age-keygen -o sops-key.txt
Add the age private key to flux namespace as secret.
kubectl create ns flux-system kubectl -n flux-system create secret generic sops-age --from-file=age.agekey=sops-key.txt
Clone the repo.
git clone https://github.com/c0depool/c0depool-k8s-ops.git cd c0depool-k8s-ops
Update the repo according to your liking, check apps/ and infrastructure/ and add/remove components. I used this repo to build the cluster.
Update the .sops.yaml with your age public key
Create cluster-secrets.yaml similar to clusters/config/cluster-secrets-encrypted.yaml with the values as non-encrypted base64 encoded values.
# Example echo "mysecretpassword" | base64 -w 0 # And update cluster-secrets.yaml DB_PASSWORD: bXlzZWNyZXRwYXNzd29yZAo=
Encrypt your cluster-secrets.yaml using Sops.
sops --config ~/your-repo/.sops.yaml -e ~/cluster-secrets.yaml | tee ~/your-repo/clusters/config/cluster-secrets-encrypted.yaml
Create a new repo and push the code.
Warning Make sure that your non-encrypted secrets are not pushed to repo
Bootstrap Flux.
export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your GitHub token> flux bootstrap github \ --owner=yourgithubname \ --repository=your-repo \ --path=clusters/your-cluster \ --personal