- 2017-11
- Faruqui and Dyer - 2014 - Improving vector space word representations using multilingual correlation [pdf] [note]
- Maaten and Hinton - 2008 - Visualizing data using t-SNE [pdf] [pdf (annotated)] [note]
- Le and Mikolov - 2014 - Distributed representations of sentences and documents [pdf] [pdf (annotated)] [note]
- Ling et al. - 2015 - Finding function in form: Compositional character models for open vocabulary word representation [pdf] [pdf (annotated)] [note]
- Bojanowski et al. - 2016 - Enriching word vectors with subword information [pdf] [pdf (annotated)] [note]
- 2017-12
- Quick Training of Probabilistic Neural Nets by Importance Sampling [pdf] [pdf(annotated)] [note]
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- Oda et al. - 2017 - Neural Machine Translation via Binary Code Predict [pdf] [note]
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- 2018-05
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- Cho et al. - 2014 - Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder-Decoder for NMT [pdf]
- Bahdanau et al. - 2014 - NMT by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate [pdf]
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- Clark and Gardner. - 2017 - Simple and Effective Multi-Paragraph Reading Comprehension [pdf]
- Wang et al. - 2017 - Gated Self-Matching Networks for Reading Comprehension and Question Answering [pdf]
- Yu et al. - 2018 - QANet: Combining Local Convolution with Global Self-Attention for Reading Comprehension [pdf]
- 2017-12
- Hu et al. - 2014 - Convolutional neural network architectures for Matching Natural Language Sentences [pdf] [pdf (annotated)] [note]
- Joulin et al. - 2016 - Bag of tricks for efficient text classification [pdf] [pdf (annotated)] [note]
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- Zhang and Wallace - 2015 - A Sensitivity Analysis of (and Practitioners' Guide to) Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification [pdf] [pdf (annotated)] [note]
- Zhang et al. - 2015 - Character-level convolutional networks for text classification [pdf] [pdf (annotated)] [note]
- Lai et al. - 2015 - Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification [pdf] [pdf (annotated)] [note]
- Iyyer et al. - 2015 - Deep unordered composition rivals syntactic methods for Text Classification [pdf] [pdf (annotated)] [note]
- optimization algorithms
- word2vec
- doc2vec