This is the official Swift OpenFeature provider for accessing your feature flags with Bucketeer.
Bucketeer is an open-source platform created by CyberAgent to help teams make better decisions, reduce deployment lead time and release risk through feature flags. Bucketeer offers advanced features like dark launches and staged rollouts that perform limited releases based on user attributes, devices, and other segments.
In conjunction with the OpenFeature SDK you will be able to evaluate your feature flags in your iOS/tvOS applications.
This is a beta version. Breaking changes may be introduced before general release.
For documentation related to flags management in Bucketeer, refer to the Bucketeer documentation website.
Minimum build tool versions:
Tool | Version |
Xcode | 16.0+ |
Swift | 5.0+ |
Minimum device platforms:
Platform | Version |
iOS | 14.0 |
tvOS | 14.0 |
With Swift Package Manager, add a package dependency to your Xcode project.
Select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency and enter the repository URL:
Next select the product "BucketeerOpenFeature" and add it to your app target.
Bucketeer provider needs to be created and then set in the global OpenFeatureAPI.
import BucketeerOpenFeature
import OpenFeature
import Bucketeer
do {
// SDK configuration
let userId = "targetingUserId"
let config = try BKTConfig.Builder()
.with(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY")
.with(apiEndpoint: "YOUR_API_ENDPOINT")
.with(featureTag: "YOUR_FEATURE_TAG")
.with(appVersion: Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["CFBundleShortVersionString"] as! String)
let provider = BucketeerProvider(config: config)
// User configuration
let context = MutableContext(
targetingKey: userId,
structure: MutableStructure(
attributes: [:] // The user attributes are optional
// Set context before initialize
await OpenFeatureAPI.shared.setProviderAndWait(provider: provider, initialContext: context)
} catch {
// Error handling
See our documentation for more SDK configuration.
The evaluation context allows the client to specify contextual data that Bucketeer uses to evaluate the feature flags.
The targetingKey
is the user ID (Unique ID) and cannot be empty.
You can update the evaluation context with the new attributes if the user attributes change.
let ctx = MutableContext(targetingKey: userId, structure: MutableStructure(
attributes: ["buyer":"true"]
OpenFeatureAPI.shared.setEvaluationContext(evaluationContext: ctx)
Changing the targetingKey
is not supported in the current implementation of the BucketeerProvider.
To change the user ID, the BucketeerProvider must be removed and reinitialized.
// Remove the provider
// Reinitialize the provider with new targetingKey
After the provider is set and no error is thrown, you can evaluate a feature flag using OpenFeatureAPI.
let client = OpenFeatureAPI.shared.getClient()
// Bool
client.getBooleanValue(key: "my-flag", defaultValue: false)
// String
client.getStringValue(key: "my-flag", defaultValue: "default")
// Integer
client.getIntegerValue(key: "my-flag", defaultValue: 1)
// Double
client.getDoubleValue(key: "my-flag", defaultValue: 1.1)
// Object
client.getObjectValue(key: "my-flag", defaultValue: Value.structure(["key":Value.integer("1234")])
Warning is not supported in the current implementation of the BucketeerProvider.
We would ❤️ for you to contribute to Bucketeer and help improve it! Anyone can use and enjoy it!
Please follow our contribution guide here.
This project use mint for library management.
make install-mint
※You need homebrew to install mint.
make bootstrap-mint
Execute the following Makefile to create the environment xcconfig file.
This will set the API_ENDPOINT and the API_KEY for E2E Tests and the Example App.
make environment-setup
Generate .xcodeproj
using XcodeGen.
If project.yml
is updated, it should be generated.
make generate-project-file
Open Xcode and import BucketeerOpenFeatureProvider
※You may need to generate Xcode project file.
※You may need to generate Xcode project file.
Build SDK
make build
Build Example App
make build-example
To run the E2E test, set the following environment variables before building it. There is no need to set it for unit testing.
Run Unit Tests
make test-without-building
Run E2E Tests
make e2e-without-building
To run the example app.
You must execute the Makefile make environment-setup
to set the API_ENDPOINT and the API_KEY.
You may need to generate Xcode project file.
Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.