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Issues: bspinner/amiberry-android

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Issues list

Mouse input via touch enhancement New feature or request
#15 opened Jan 5, 2020 by bspinner alpha1
Crash on restart after Quit button in amiberry was used bug Something isn't working
#14 opened Dec 30, 2019 by bspinner alpha1
Create first graphics meta Meta-issue about the project (solving these won't improve the app, but developers' lifes)
#10 opened Dec 26, 2019 by bspinner alpha1
Setup unit tests good first issue Good for newcomers meta Meta-issue about the project (solving these won't improve the app, but developers' lifes)
#9 opened Dec 22, 2019 by bspinner alpha1
Create gradle build step for asset packaging meta Meta-issue about the project (solving these won't improve the app, but developers' lifes)
#6 opened Dec 22, 2019 by bspinner tbd
Provide proper logging to logcat meta Meta-issue about the project (solving these won't improve the app, but developers' lifes)
#5 opened Dec 21, 2019 by bspinner alpha1
Onscreen Controller enhancement New feature or request
#4 opened Dec 14, 2019 by bspinner
1 of 6 tasks
Fix alloc_AmigaMem bug Something isn't working
#2 opened Dec 14, 2019 by bspinner alpha1
ProTip! Updated in the last three days: updated:>2025-03-02.