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Bruno Robert edited this page Mar 16, 2021 · 2 revisions

Installing Polybiblioglot

This page details how to prepare for and install Polybiblioglot on your computer.


You will first have to install some dependencies before being able to use Polybiblioglot.


polybiblioglot uses tesseract for OCR, you will need to follow the steps described here to install tesseract.

On macos, you may find this gist useful.


Poppler is a pdf renderer. In this case, we use it to convert pdf's to images for processing. If you are only converting images, it isn't needed. Please note that the program may crash if you don't install poppler and attempt to convert a pdf.

The pdf2image github explains how to install poppler depending on what platform you are on. If you are on mac and have brew installed. It's as simple as brew install poppler


The prerequisites were the longest part, now you can install Polybiblioglot in 4 steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone

  2. cd into it: cd polybiblioglot

  3. (optional) create a python virtual environment: python -m venv env then source ./env/bin/activate

  4. install python dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt

Running Polybiblioglot

Running Polybiblioglot is as simple as executing the file with python: python

See (link to usage page) for more information on how to use Polybiblioglot.

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