It tooks 5-6 work days to complete. The main pain point was the project developed without 3rdParty tools in code side. I developed simple Tween Tool for this project.
Basic game config can controlled by GameConfig.json.
"maxDiceCount": 50,
"levelOrder": [
"boards": [
"items": [
"avatars": [
Levels are generated by the values at Levels.json. There are 2 types of level: random, and predefined. Levels are generated by this json.
"id": "0",
"name": "Tutorial",
"boardId": "rect_1",
"isRandom": false,
"diceCount": 2,
"tiles": [
"-", "-", "0", "0", "-", "0", "-", "-", "0", "-",
"-", "0", "-", "1", "-", "0", "-", "2", "2", "-"
"rewards": [
"0", "0", "10", "8", "0", "7", "0", "0", "3", "0",
"0", "2", "0", "7", "0", "1", "0", "14", "4", "0"
"goals": [
"id": "strawberry",
"count": 12
Items are generated by the values at Levels.json.
"id": "0",
"name": "strawberry",
"iconPath": "Inventory/strawberry_icon.png",
"color": "230,84,57",
"prefabPath": "Items/Strawberry.prefab"
Items are generated by the values at Levels.json.
"id": "0",
"boardType": 0,
"tileCount": 20,
"prefabPath": "Boards/Board_6x6Rectangle.prefab"
Just tap the dice to roll it. You can control dice result with the menu of the left.
URP, Addressables, Unity 2023.2.20f1