This is a Python program intended to facilitate the communication of ALS patients. The program tracks eye movements and uses a special keyboard to output wor
pip install -r requirements.txt
The program currently supports a keyboard consisting of 26 letters, 10 roman numerals, the space character, and 8 frequently used sentence shortcuts.
The screen displayed is divided into six parts, indicating the six directions one can fix his gaze on: top-left, top-center, top-right, left, center, right.
Each tile shows the part of keyboard it represents. To choose one of the tile, hold you gaze on the center until it becomes green, then look in the direction
indicated by the tile until it turns green. Note that the tile on which your gaze is fixed will appear yellow.
close your eyes for several seconds and then open.
The program begins in the calibration phase. Look in the direction indicated on the screen. Try to hold your gaze steadily.
Part of this project is based on the GazeTracking project by Antoine Lamé (