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Deniz Ulaş Poyraz
I'm a computer engineering student at Bogazici University and I am currently in my fourth year.
- Java/Python/C/C++/C#
- Front End Frameworks: Familiar with React JS, Slightly Familiar with Angular
- Backend: Familiar with PHP,Django,NextJS Slightly Familiar with ASP.net
- Arduino Programming
Outside of my college courses, I am interested in robotics, PCB design, integrated circuits and machine learning. I usually design and make use of electronic circuits when I'm creating personal projects.
- Creating Stuff
- Hunting
- Fishing
- Driving
If you would like to get in touch with me, you can reach me at [email protected].
Week 1
Task Name | Duration | Result | Issue of the task |
Editing my wiki page | 0.5h | Edited my wiki |
Week 2
Task Name | Duration | Result | Issue of the task |
Researching W3C Standards for our project | 1h | Commented our options | #202 |
Researching 3D Viewer Libraries | 1h | Wrote a simple react component for a library. | #201 |
Week 3
Task Name | Duration | Result | Issue of the task |
Initializing the frontend react project | 1h | Initilized the project and pushed it to git. | #229 |
Creating a Login Page | 1h | Created the login page. Made it ready for the backend connection. | #226 |
Creating a Sign Up Page | 1h | Created the registration page. Made it ready for the backend connection. | #223 |
Creating Scenarios | 1.5h | Wrote scenarios for User Registration and Login, Creating and Interacting with Posts, Tournaments, Updating Profile | #208 |
Contrubuting To Sequence Diagrams | 0.5h | Reviewed the sequence diagrams created by Oğuz. Added the missing 2 diagrams. | #215 |
Week 4
Task Name | Duration | Result | Issue of the task |
Taking Meeting Notes | 1h | Took the Meeting Note | |
Creating post creation component | 1.5h | Created the dialog, added validation functions to create post component | #232 |
Completing the Feed | 1.5h | Added feed tabs and discussion posts. | #231 |
Improving the homepage | 1h | Made category links functional. Improved the sidebar and made it display the current category. | #231 |
Week 5
Task Name | Duration | Result | Issue of the task |
Conditional Render on 3D models | 4h | The models now appear with a button. This makes the app load faster. | #259 |
Creating a generic feed | 1.5h | Created the feed, it displays both discussion and gallery posts. | #263 |
Week 6
Task Name | Duration | Result | Issue of the task |
Implementing Categories | 2h | The categories now act as they should. Components pass their ID and display the categories | #264 |
Download Model Function | 1.5h | The gallery post models can now be downloaded by the user. | #266 |
Week 7
Task Name | Duration | Result | Issue/PR of the task |
Initializing Annotation Logic | 2h | Initialized interfaces and annotation capture logic. | p277 |
Initializing the vertical menu for posts | 1.5h | Initializing the vertical menu that allows users to access several functionalities | #278 |
Week 8
Task Name | Duration | Result | Issue/PR of the task |
Implementing Post Pages | 2h | Initialized our post page with Ersel | #287 |
Implementing Feed Tabs | 1.5h | Initialized feed tabs with Ersel | #298 |
Fix Post UIs | 1.5h | Post UIs fixed. They now function smoothly. | #303 |
Week 9
Task Name | Duration | Result | Issue/PR of the task |
Completing Create Post Component | 2h | Completed the component with Ersel. | #322 |
Connect Post Creation To Backend | 1h | Connected the component to our backend app. | #334 |
Complete The Vertical Menu For Posts | 2h | Publish Annotation logic completed. Challenge to post functionality completed. | #341 |
Complete Annotation Logic For Post Bodies | 3h | Annotations are now displayed on each post body properly. | #342 |
Create the Tournament Page and Tournament Information Component | 2h | Tournament page and information components created. They are properly connected to backend. | #355 |
Complete the challenge post functionality | 2h | Challenge post function completed and connected to backend. | Commit |
Connect change profile photo function to backend | 2h | Change profile photo function connected to backend | Commit |
Add achievements dialog to profile pages. | 2h | Completed achievements. | Commit |
Week 10
Task Name | Duration | Result | Issue/PR of the task |
Create Unit Tests For Tournament Information Component | 1h | Created the test file next to components. | #392 |
Create Unit Tests For Tournament Leaderboard Page | 1h | Created the test file next to components. | #393 |
Create Unit Tests For Search Results Page | 1h | Created the test file next to components. | #394 |
Week 11
Task Name | Duration | Result | Issue/PR of the task |
Write meeting notes | 1h | Wrote the final meeting notes. | |
Fix 3D Viewer Camera Angle | 2h | Researched and fixed our library camera with Türker. | Commit |
Week 12
Task Name | Duration | Result | Issue/PR of the task |
Search Page Improvements | 3h | The whole frontend team added user search and paginated the search page. | #427 |
Profile Page Improvements | 2h | The whole frontend team moved change password and change profile picture functions to the profile page. | #430 |
Post Form Structure Implementation | 3h | The whole frontend team implemented the create post form structure. | #435 |
Feed pagination | 2h | The whole frontend team paginated the feed. | #436 |
Edit Post Implementation | 2h | The whole frontend implemented the edit post function. | #451 |
Delete Post Implementation | 2h | The whole frontend implemented the delete post function. | #452 |
Tag Search Implementation | 2h | The whole frontend implemented the search tag function. | #453 |
Annotation Improvements | 3h | The whole frontend improved the annotation display component as well as the annotation creation component. | #454 |
CMPE 352
Week 1
Wrote a report on a recently used repository.
Week 2
Updated this page.
Week 4
I started a research on Android Studio thinking we might use it.
Week 5
Posted my research on a Mobile IDE.
Week 6
Created our project, distrubuted the issues to their corrosponding field, filled the road-map.
Week 9
Distributed the start-up tasks and started working on the mobile application.
Week 10
Created post interactions(Like, dislike, bookmark). Created a proper post creation screen that accommodates our requirements. Created a post screen which the user can comment and see other comments. Connected it to the unfinished backend server. Created the first version of our settings screen.
Week 11
Tried to distribute our remaining tasks but failed. Finished our settings page by implementing "change profile photo", "change password" and "delete account" features.
Week 12
Created public profile pages for users where they can see eachothers information, follow eachother, see their posted,liked,disliked and bookmarked posts.
Added comment interactions(like,dislike,bookmark). Tried to connect everything to backend but failed because of my personal computer.
- Third Customer Milestone Report
- Requirements
- Mockups
- Sequence Diagrams
- Use Case Diagram
- Class Diagrams
- Scenarios
- User Scenario
- User Manual
- System Manual
- Third Customer Milestone Report
- Second Customer Milestone Report
- First Customer Milestone Report
- Requirements
- Mockups
- Sequence Diagrams
- Scenarios
- Use Case Diagram
- Class Diagrams
- Software Quality Plan
- Milestone1 Presentation Scenarios
- Post Creation Page
- User Scenario
- Meeting Notes 10 - Dec 10
- Meeting Notes 9 - Dec 3
- Meeting Notes 8 - Nov 17
- Meeting Notes 7 - Nov 12
- Meeting Notes 6 - Nov 5
- Optional Meeting Notes 1 ‐ Oct 21
- Meeting Notes 5 - Oct 15
- Meeting Notes 4 - Oct 8
- Meeting Notes 3 - Oct 3
- Meeting Notes 2 - Oct 1
- Meeting Notes 1 - Sep 24
- Deniz Ulaş Poyraz
- Eren Donmez
- Ersel Çanakçılı
- Oğuz Kağnıcı
- Onur Çerli
- Yekta Ercul
- Ali Alperen Sönmez
- Huseyin Turker Erdem
- Mehmet Tuluyhan Sozen
352 Material
- Final Milestone Report
- Milestone 2 Report
- Use Case Diagram
- Sequence Diagrams
- Class Diagrams
- Requirements
- Elicitation Questions
- Mockups
- Scenarios
- Milestone 1 Report
- Our Favourite Repositories
- Linked Data and SPARQL
- Web Application Development
- API Development and Utilization
- Wikidata and Wikidata API
- Mobile Application Development
- Android Studio
- Git
- Meeting Notes 10 ‐ May 10th
- Meeting Notes 9 ‐ Apr 25th
- Meeting Notes 8 ‐ Apr 21st
- Meeting Notes 7 ‐ Apr 12th
- Meeting Notes 6 ‐ Mar 14th
- Meeting Notes 5 ‐ Mar 11th
- Meeting Notes 4 - Mar 7th
- Meeting Notes 3 - Mar 3rd
- Meeting Notes 2 - Feb 22nd
- Meeting Notes 1 - Feb 18th