Here you can find a list of all the main utils being exported by this package. More in depth, generated, documentation can be found on the gh pages.
If you're reading this on the gh pages, use the sidebar on the right!
All standard typescript
modules can be found in the docs, but there are also a lot of mjs files that could be useful. Here's a list of available mjs modules:
The mjs files contain code that could benefit from
some triage; either refactored into ts
files or removed.
Download translations table from Airtable and write to file that can be imported.
Optimistically load translations table from Airtable.
Manage command line.
=> Log "success" in green
Demo CDN integration
Command line colors
=> Log "success" in green
Svelte store for reconnecting websocket.
Read and write cookies.
Copy to clipboard
Manage dates
Download files
Format strings
Hash shorthands
const hash = md5('test')
Svelte store for user inactivity
const { sub } = unsafeDecode('eY...')
=> Decode JWT
Load knex instance with config based on standard env variables.
import { knex } from 'knex-env'
=> Ready to use knex instance
Knex config based on standard env variables.
Load leaflet JS and CSS.
Load scripts, stylesheets and CSS.
Svelte store for location
Stream logs to a file.
Send mailgun messages.
Render basic markdown to HTML.
Functions with numbers
Load Messenger SDK.
Disable scroll behind modals.
Svelte store for device orientation
Hash and verify passwords.
Get a random element from an array.
Initialize Sentry based on standard env variables.
Send emails with nodemailer based on standard env variables.
Connect to a server.
Svelte store helpers
Svelte store for light/dark theme
Translation helpers
Launch a Typeform widget.
Load the Voxeet SDK.
Helpers to protect against XSS