Windows msdl link collector
usage: start info [-h] [-d TARGET_DIRS [TARGET_DIRS ...]] [-n {0,1,2,3}] [-i] [-u] [-p] [--diff] [--disableupdate] [-s] [-v]
diff msdl collector
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n {0,1,2,3}, --num {0,1,2,3}
0 system32 | 1 system32\drivers | 2 defender
-i, --install first collect msdl link information and push them into registry HKCU\msdlcollector
-u, --uninstall remove the specified registry
-p, --peek default file name (windows latest version)
--diff collect msdl link in real time and diff with registry which output a pair of old-new links (decompilation diff
pending item)
--disableupdate dont override registry value when changes
-s, --store auto store to register msdlcollector\store\year-month
-v, --verbose output the verbose information
end information
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python -i
// Windows update and restart your Windows
python --diff
query the store files
python .\ --enum
python .\ --query 2025-3 --queryfilter .sys
when you execute --diff features, it will generate a list of old-new msdl link and override registry value if you dont wanna this, try with --disableupdate -s --store auto backup diff link results