Challenge for job applicants
Please use this boilerplate to implement the app outlined in MiniShop.pdf
Feel free to remove anything you deem unnecessary from this boilerplate :)
The app simulates a very small shop.
The columns need to be implemented with flexbox.
You should start by loading the instructions from /data/instructions.json
into the first column.
Then when the "Fetch Products" button is clicked you should fetch the products from /data/products.json
and display the products as shown in the pdf.
When there is at least one product in the "Cart" it should become possible to click the "Place Order" button. This triggers an alert with the contents of the cart.
- Each product can only be added to the cart once
- The SVG spinner should be visibly spinning when fetching the products
- Make sure to disable/ enable buttons when needed
- Notice the change of the column order on small screens!
- Nice transitions/ animations :)
- Design improvements
- Use some nicer modal instead of pure js alert
This challenge should not take more than 2 hours of your time. Wherever possible please use CSS animations/ transitions.
Good luck!