Rust plugin that logs player and server statistics to MySql.
Plugin creates database tables if not exists. NO SQL file needed!
- Download and put MStats in plugn folder.
- Edit the config file (MStats.json).
- Reload the plugin.
All options is set to FALSE as default!
- TurncateDataOnMonthlyWipe - Clear database on rust force wipe.
- TurncateDataOnMapWipe - Clear database on map change.
- _LogAridrops - Logs cargo planes spawned.
- _AdminLog - Logs if player call for admin.
- _LogChat - Logs Global chat.
- _LogTeamChat - Logs Team chat.
- _LogConsole - Logs server messages/commands, etc admin spawn item.
- _MySQL - Enable this for plugin to work.
- _AdminLogWords - Specific words writen by players to be loged.
- _LogServerCargoship - Logs cargoships spawned.
- _LogServerPatrolhelicopter - Logs Patrol helicopters spawned.
- _LogServerbradleyapc - Logs bradleys spawned.
- _LogServerch47 - Logs ch47 spawned.
After Drop Table plugin must be reloaded for a new tables to be created!
- mstats.reload - Reload the plugin.
- mstats.empty - Truncate tables. Clear all tables from data.
- mstats.drop - Drops all tables. Removes all table from database.
1.0.1 = x.x.d
x.x = Plugin version 1.0
d = Database version 1
The database version is for the plugin to respond on update if an update on tables is made and might need to be removed.
If you have any problems with the plugin please leave a comment or send me a message! Keep in mind this is my second plugin!