Wayfire is a 3D Wayland compositor
This guide is for Archlinux and it doesn't provide any installer. Some steps might not be completed.
folders are not preceded by a dot, as they should be. However, since GitHub does not support dragging files with a dot prefix (hidden files), they must be added manually. -
For more information, please refer to the Wayfire wiki Wayfire wiki
- Wayfire is a 3D wayland compositor
- Pixdecor Decorator plugin for wayfire, pixdecor features antialiased rounded corners with shadows and optional animated effects.
- Ironbar A customisable and feature-rich GTK bar for wlroots compositors, written in Rust.
- eww Widget on the left
- Mako notification
- Tokyonight-Dark command: ./install.sh -d ~/.local/share/themes -c dark -l --tweaks black
- Tela-circle-icon-theme or Aretha-Dark-Icons
- Fish shell Command line shell
- Startship prompt Customizable prompt
- Catnip A minimalistic and fast system fetch
- SwayOSD A OSD window for common actions like volume and capslock.
- Lite XL A lightweight, simple, fast, feature-filled, and extremely extensible text editor
- Ulauncher Application launcher for Linux
- Grimshot-pv Script with added screenshot preview on the notification
- Xava Audio Visualizer
- ncmpcpp Terminal Music player
- Swappy A Wayland native snapshot and editor tool
- Caskaydiacove nerd font
- Install Archlinux Gnome desktop (It is not necessary to install GNOME if you want a minimal desktop; you should look for an alternative method.)
sudo pacman -S freetype2 glm libdrm libevdev libgl libinput libjpeg libpng libxkbcommon libxml2 pixman wayland-protocols wlroots meson cmake doctest doxygen nlohmann-json libnotify base-devel pkg-config autoconf gobject-introspection gtk-layer-shell scour libdbusmenu-gtk3 gtkmm3 glib2-devel boost
git clone https://github.com/WayfireWM/wf-install
cd wf-install
./install.sh --prefix /opt/wayfire --stream master
git clone https://github.com/soreau/pixdecor.git
cd pixdecor
PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/wayfire/lib/pkgconfig meson setup build --prefix=/opt/wayfire
ninja -C build
ninja -C build install
- Edit $HOME/.config/wayfire.ini
- Edit $HOME/.config/wf-shell.ini
- Log out and select Wayfire in GNOME Display Manager (GDM) then log back in.
-Create the file and set environment variable ~/.config/environment.d/environment.conf
- Copy the script from here inactive-alpha.py and wayfire_socket.py to the same directory somewhere.
- Example ~/.config/ipc-scripts/*.py
- Edit and add to $HOME/.config/wayfire.ini the following two line
- plugins = ipc ipc-rules follow-focus (ipc must be first)
- [autostart] launcher = ~/.config/ipc-scripts/inactive-alpha.py