[bitwave.tv] v1.7.20
Implements new admin features, begins implementing new API commands, adds new chat features, improves UX.
Adds kick
button to UI to allow an admin to kick a stream without having to use the raw API endpoints.
Adds [G]
labels to chat to indicate local / global / unknown (#36)
Adds /local
and /global
chat commands.
Adds /dev
and /prod
/ chat commands to ease development testing of chat server.
General improvements to various toast messages.
Fixes misc. styling for mobile users.
Fixes errors thrown by timeAgo
Improves video.js player
Removes extra event handler and extra call to player.play()
after onLoad
Adds support for persistent volume (level & mute)
Updates API command for key reset so that it uses the new auth based kick
API endpiont