Releases: bitovi/react-to-web-component
Add React 19 to available peerDependencies
Our test suite passes with React 19 so we've added it to the available peerDependencies.
Add React 19 to available peerDependencies
Our test suite passes with React 19 so we've added it to the available peerDependencies.
Change r2wc externals to match react-dom/client
PR #135 addressed some difficulties and unnecessary React warnings in the browser.
React 18 Support
This release updates react-to-web-component to support React 18 and removes support for React 16 and 17.
React 16 and 17 are still supported by the legacy version of react-to-web-component (published as react-to-webcomponent on NPM)
2.0.0 Release!
Simplified API, Typescript support, and more! See for all the new features.
The API for react-to-web-component is now easier than ever! No more need to pass in React and ReactDOM as they are now treated as peer dependencies. The use of PropTypes has also been replaced with a dedicated props object when creating the Web component. See the example below.
import r2wc from "@r2wc/react-to-web-component"
const WebGreeting = r2wc(Greeting, {props: ["name"] }) // or { props: { name: "string" } }
customElements.define("web-greeting", WebGreeting)
Drop PropTypes requirement, Add option for attribute typing
- Add option for specifying attribute types so it will automatically be converted from the string to the appropriate type. (Number, Object, Function, ref, etc) #50
- Remove PropTypes requirement
- Ensure preact 10 is supported (all tests run against preact 10 too now)
- Begin convert to TypeScript
- NOTE: use
// @ts-ignore
on the line before callingreactToWebComponent()
to disable type checking if you're in a TS environment. Typing will be implemented properly before stable release.
- NOTE: use
Example ignoring TS if you want to start using this alpha release:
// @ts-ignore
reactToWebComponent(Counter, React, ReactDOMClient, {...})
Bug Fixes:
- None
- Test improvements / fixed intermittently failing tests
- Update docs to use functional components in the examples
React 18 Support
Summary since 1.5.0 (10/16/2020) up to and including 1.7.2 (08/03/2022)
- convert camelCase props into dashed-attributes and add option to convert dashed-attributes to camelCase react props #17
- React 18 support
- improved documentation
Bug Fixes:
- Shadow only attached when mode is open
- unmount react component on disconnect #19
- Add MIT license file #4
- more robust CI and testing
Shadow DOM
Works in Edge browser.
Preact and property descriptors
This makes sure Preact works and also makes it so properties specified by Component.propTypes
are going to return a property descriptor.
For example:
class Greeting extends React.Component { }
Greeting.propTypes = {
name: PropTypes.string.isRequired
var MyGreeting = reactToWebComponent(Greeting, React, ReactDOM)
customElements.define("my-greeting", MyGreeting);
var myGreeting = new MyGreeting();
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( myGreeting.prototype, "name" ) //-> {writable: true}
This was important for CanJS so it could know that the property was writable.