This library provides some abstractions for developing against a PostgreSQL cluster which has both read and write replicas. Developers can enclose pg-transact
values in a new type, marking them as either ReadOnly
or ReadWrite
. We provide a type class, so that code which consumes the queries does not need to care about the tagging as long as the type level tag is definite.
main :: IO ()
main = do
pool <- newClusterConnPool
[connectPostgreSQL _readConnStringA , connectPostgreSQL _readConnStringB]
[connectPostgreSOL _writeConn]
resultR <- runSerializable readTask
resultRW <- runSerializable writeTask
readTask :: CDB 'ReadOnly [Text]
readTask = getItems >>= followUpR
writeTask :: CDB 'ReadWrite ()
writeTask = asReadWrite getItems >>= followUpRW
getItems :: CDB anyMode [Int]
getItems = readonly q
q :: DB [Int]
q = _impl
followUpR :: [Int] -> CDB anyMode [Text]
followUpR = readonly . q
q :: [Int] -> DB [Text]
q = _impl
followUpW :: [Int] -> CDB 'ReadWrite ()
followUpW = readWrite . q
q :: [Int] -> DB ()
q = _impl