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BISOS-PIP: ByStar Internet Services Operating System PIP Packages

BISOS-PIP is part of ByStar.

The Libre-Halaal ByStar Digital Ecosystem (By* DE) is an interdisciplinary, and ethics-oriented non-proprietary digital ecosystem which challenges the existing proprietary American digital ecosystem while operating concurrently alongside it. On a global scale, By* provide Internet Application Services which preserve autonomy and privacy of the individual. BISOS: (By* Internet Services Operating System) is a unified and universal framework for developing both internet services and software-service continuums that use internet services. BISOS is a layer on top of Debian. Blee: (BISOS Libre-Halaal Emacs Environment) is a layer on top of Emacs and BISOS, which creates a comprehensive integrated usage and development environment. Blee and BISOS are fully integrated. See the ”Nature of Polyexistentials” book for the bigger picture of how all of ByStar fits together.

For bootstraping BISOS, Blee and ByStar; you can start at:

Here we produce the basic concepts of BISOS.

Table of Contents

Concept of the Universal Internet Services OS

The concept of an internet services operating system, or a common foundation, platform, and framework for the development of internet services, is not new. Proprietary internet service providers have their own proprietary and closed Internet Services OS. However, on the non-proprietary internet services side, this concept has not been formalized, structured, and cultivated. There is some precedence for this, and we can use this as a starting point.

Shortly after the internet started to impact society (say in 1994) and shortly after Linux became widespread, the idea of a server-side Internet Services OS appeared as “The LAMP Stack”.

The Early LAMP Precedence

LAMP is an acronym that stands for “Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python”. Packaged together, they create an application stack that is both free to use and open source which functions as a general purpose web server.

In 1994, the Common Gateway Interface (CGI) was introduced in CERN httpd, allowing for the server-side execution of code to create dynamic webpages. In a sense, this can be considered the genesis of internet application services. This made it possible to create a LAMP stack (the free general-purpose web server) using Linux, CERN httpd, and server-side programming languages such as Perl. However, it wasn’t until the release of Postgre95 that a free database was available. Finally, in 1996, MySQL was released online, completing the LAMP stack.

Validity of the LAMP stack as a server-side web services generic OS was established through its widespread use in the late 1990s. Many of the dot-con era firms ran their websites with LAMP.

We recognize what is generally labeled “The LAMP Stack” as a very rudimentary Internet Application Services OS. LAMP had the following characteristics.

  1. LAMP was a layer on top of Linux distributions
  2. LAMP was a server-side stack
  3. LAMP addressed a certain segment of internet application services. Its scope was websites development.
  4. LAMP focused on a very specific profile of the Linux distribution — Apache and MySql.
  5. LAMP focused on a specific programming language — one of Perl, PHP or Python.

Extending and improving the concept of LAMP can lead to the notion of “A Universal Internet Services OS”.

Such an extension involves two dimensions:

  1. An Internet Services OS should cover all internet services — not just web services.
  2. An Internet Services OS should fully cover all sides — clients, servers, things in the middle and software-service-continuums.

By “Universal” we are referring to this notion of “covering all sides” from phones and tablets to mainframes and sever-clusters. This idea of “Universal Services OS” builds on Debian’s concept of “The Universal Software Operating System”.

Operating System, Internet Application Serviceand Digital Ecosystem

Almost everyone uses email. Email is a widely used application. To make things more explicit, we will use email as an example of an application service.

In Figure [[#fig:bystarAndProprietaryDEs]fig:bystarAndProprietaryDEs], let’s consider email in the context of operating systems, internet application service and digital ecosystems.

First, let’s take a look at what is happening in the proprietary universe. The five major American proprietary tech companies (Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon) have created five distinct digital ecosystems as competing enclaves. In Figure [[#fig:bystarAndProprietaryDEs]fig:bystarAndProprietaryDEs], , we are focusing on the first 3 and each of their office and email environments. These ecosystems are mostly separate and isolated from one another, and the economic model of these proprietary digital ecosystems is “Surveillance Capitalism”. As such, when users sign up for a free email account, they are voluntarily forgoing much of their privacy. Sadly, the rest of the world is becoming Americanized through the American Internet. Each of these enclaves also have Mail User Agents that are fully integrated into their digital ecosystems, providing users with address books, calendars, time management and planning tools, multi-lingual authoring tools, and more.

Now, let’s focus on the right side of this picture. On the non-proprietary side, based on the FOSS model, we have ended up with lots of components. We have Debian as a platform, we have Emacs as an editor-centered office environment and lots of great applications. But on the non-proprietary side we don’t have anything that can reasonably be considered a digital ecosystem.

We need non-proprietary digital ecosystems. And that is what ByStar is.

In proprietary digital ecosystems, the scope of the operating system (Chrome, Android, Windows, MacOS) is limited to the usage-side. The service-side OS is unknown due to the proprietary services being opaque. The concept of an Internet Services OS is well established inside of each of the proprietary services providers. Each has their own and parts of their Internet Services OS are exposed to their “Cloud” users.

On the FOSS side, the scope of the LAMP style operating systems is limited to the service-side, with the usage-side being considered agnostic. ByStar and BISOS provide a powerful and universal solution, covering both the service-side and the usage-side.


Overview of BISOS and ByStar Digital Ecosystem

BISOS (ByStar Internet Services OS) is a reification of the abstraction of “A Universal Internet Services OS”. ByStar is a concrete form of the abstraction of “A Unified Autonomous Digital Ecosystem”.

BISOS has the following key characteristics.

  1. BISOS is both purposeful and general purpose. BISOS is ideology driven. The general purpose of BISOS is to facilitate the creation of digital ecosystems that prioritize autonomy and privacy. The specific purpose of BISOS is to facilitate creation of the Libre-Halaal ByStar Digital Ecosystem.
  2. BISOS is layered on top of the Universal Debian software.
  3. BISOS facilitates secure and private possession and portability of the user’s information through the abstraction of ByStar Portable Objects (BPO).
  4. BISOS enables the two-way transfer of Libre Services from the user’s own possession to Libre Service providers and between Libre Service providers through the Possession Assertable Libre Services (PALS) abstraction.
  5. BISOS creates software-service continuums through universality on both server-side and usage-side.
  6. BISOS services integration and usage integration structures are self-confined to select languages: Python, Bash, Elisp and C/C++. Each language environment is augmented with BISOS native frameworks. The primary integration framework of BISOS is Python-Command-Services (PyCS).
  7. The primary usage interface for BISOS is Blee (ByStar Libre-Halaal Emacs Environment), which is comprehensive and extends to development environments.
  8. BISOS server-side PALS features are based on specific profiles from Debian packages collection. The profiles primary focus on autonomous email and autonomous content publication.
  9. BISOS usage-side capabilities are based on specific profiles from Debian packages collection. The profiles primary focus on email handling and content production.
  10. BISOS platforms are automated to be recreatable from BPO contained information as physical and virtual images. Linux KVM is the only supported virtualization model.
  11. BISOS’s basic unit is a site. A BISOS-Site includes a private git server and a registrar.

BISOS facilities are used to create the infrastructure of ByStar and various types of ByStar services.


Figure [[#fig:bystarPortableCapabilities]fig:bystarPortableCapabilities] depicts layerings of BISOS and of ByStar services. The Universal Debian Gnu/Linux is our foundation on top of which BISOS resides.

The box labeled “Services SW” refers to instances of BISOS service-side debian packages. The box labeled “Facilities SW” refers to instances of BISOS usage-side debian packages. Configuration information for packages reside in BPOs (By* Portable Objects).

The combination of “Services SW” and its relevant configuration within a BPO, forms a “Portable Services Capability”. The combination of “Facilities SW” and its relevant configuration within a BPO, forms a “Portable Facilities Capability”.

Possession Assertable Libre Service is a type of Portable Services Capability. Multi-Account Resident Mail Exchange Environment (MARMEE) is a type of Portable Facility Capability.

Possession Assertable Autonomous Identities (PAAI) are types of BPOs which include the identifiers (e.g., domain names) that enable PALS to become Realized Services.

The stack on the right side of Figure [[#fig:bystarPortableCapabilities]fig:bystarPortableCapabilities] depicts BISOS’s usage environment which we describe in Section [[#sec:ByStarLibre-HalaalEmacsuserEnvironment(Blee)]sec:ByStarLibre-HalaalEmacsuserEnvironment(Blee)].

The stack on the left side of Figure [[#fig:bystarPortableCapabilities]fig:bystarPortableCapabilities] depicts evolution of platforms in BISOS. A BISOS-Platform is a Debian computer loaded with BISOS software. A BPO-Container is a BISOS-Platform which has received (contains) some BPOs. A PAAI-Container is a BPO-Container which ontains one or more PAAI-BPO.

BISOS Engineering Philosophy and Ideology

BISOS is purposeful and ideology driven. Parts of BISOS ideology are rooted in health of society. BISOS also reflects a particular engineering philosophy. Figure [[#fig:bxEngPhilosophy]fig:bxEngPhilosophy] depicts our choices in adoption of philosophical characteristics from various software development groups, with some adjustments.

Unix’s Genericity and Conviviality

BISOS is based on the “Unix” model. Not the “Linux” model. We draw a distinct differentiation between “Unix Philosophy” vs “Linux Philosophy” vs “Business Philosophy”. Unix Philosophy is a set of cultural norms and philosophical approaches to convivial software development and usage. Unix Philosophy has been well articulated by Ken Thompson, Doug McIlroy, Kernighan, Pike and others.

Linux Philosophy is a laissez faire adaptation of Unix Philosophy that results in software bloat.

BISOS is firmly rooted in a Unix Philosophy and discounts the Business Philosophy and the Linux philosophy.

Debian’s Universality

Debian insists on running on everything. By everything we mean a large number of CPU architectures. This is accomplished on methodic and durable reliance on primary source code. By everything we also mean the range of very constrained environments to super computers.

This is important for ByStar because BISOS inherits Debian’s Universality.

Emacs’s Deep Integration

Blee, BISOS’s usage environment, is based on Emacs. Some Emacs builds include a kitchen-sink icon. It is the one feature not yet implemented in Emacs.

Emacs is an integral part of BISOS. It is a framework for consistent integration of internal and external applications. This in turn results in a very convivial usage environment which spans software development, content creation, interpersonal communication and integrated internet application services access.


BISOS: an Over Debian Pure Blend

Debian defines Pure Blend as: “a subset of Debian that is configured to support a particular target group out-of-the-box. One way to understand this is a list of packages that gets installed to provide a focus of use.”

The lower layers of BISOS can be considered a Debian Pure Blend. BISOS-service-side has one deb-pkgs-profile and BISOS-usage-side has another deb-pkgs-profile.

But BISOS goes beyond that. BISOS and Debian are not peers. BISOS is a layer on top of Debian. BISOS provides services-oriented facilities that go beyond the scope of Debian. BISOS has its own policies and practices that are a super set of Debian policies and practices. While the basic unit of Debian is a computer, the basic unit of BISOS is a BISOS-Site.

BISOS’s Basic Unit: BISOS-Site

Typically, the basic unit of an Operating System is one computer — depending on the context the computer is called: a host, a system, a platform, a box, etc.

With BISOS the basic unit is more than one computer. We call BISOS’s basic unit: BISOS-Site. Fundamental BISOS abstractions are based on BISOS Portable Objects (BPO) which are implemented as git accounts. Some BPOs must be private. So, a BISOS-Site must include a private git server — which is implemented as a Gitlab instance. BISOS’s use of BPO is purely through a Python API interface. Gitlab GUI is hardly ever used. BISOS also relies on the uniqueness of names and numbers. BISOS therefore needs an automated registrar for some private names and numbers. For BISOS to fully operate, at a minimum it needs those services.

A BISOS-Site also provides facilities for creation and management of Virtual Machines (VMs) and a simple BISOS-CMDB (configuration management database) — a central repository for storing BISOS-Site related resource. For creation and recreation of VMs (image management), BISOS uses Vagrant.

BISOS Portable Objects (BPO)


A fundamental abstraction of BISOS is the concept of BISOS Portable Objects (BPO). BPOs are packages of information. There are some similarities between BPOs as packages of information and software packages such as deb-packages or rpm-packages.

Like software packages, BPOs are named uniquely and can depend on each other and can be collectively installed and uninstalled. BPOs are used for many things similar to how the files system is used for many things. BPOs can be used to hold the complete configuration information of a system. BPOs can be used to hold configuration information for software packages. BPOs can be used to hold private user data. BPOs can be used to hold collections of content and source code.

For its own operation, BISOS uses various BPO types. Other types of BPOs can be created or generic BPO types (for example the Project type) can be used.

Each BPO consists of a number of Git Repositories (hereafter called “repos”). Each of the BPO’s repos can be synchronized using generic Git tools. With Blee/Emacs we use MaGit exclusively.

Scope of access and use of BPOs can be private, group, public or system oriented.

BPOs can be private, residing entirely in the Inner Rims, and used for private exclusive use of their owners. Private BPOs are used by their owners for a variety of purposes. For example, one’s address book (rolodex) can be captured in a private BPO. This allows for synchronization of the address book as a git based portable object across different devices and across different environments.

BPOs can be used to facilitate collaboration among groups of autonomous users. Group BPOs are only accessible to you, and people you explicitly share access with. Group BPOs are functionally similar to GitHub private repositories — but in a decentralized fashion instead of GitHub’s central model.

Public BPOs facilitate publication of content and public evolution of that content through git. Public BPOs are functionally similar to GitHub public repositories — but in a decentralized fashion instead of GitHub’s central model.

System BPOs are BISOS specific information that contain system related information. System BPOs can be “materialized” and function as Virtual Machines and Services and PALS (Possession Assertable Libre Services). System BPOs can be used to capture System configurations and SBOMs (Software Bill Of Material). System BPOs can be private or public.

BPOs are currently implemented as Gitlab accounts. Gitlab accounts are Unix non-login shell accounts. BISOS’s interactions with Gitlab is exclusively through an API (Remote Operations). Each Gitlab account then can contain repos subject to common access control mechanisms. Gitlab accounts map to BPO-Identifiers (BPO-Id). Each BPO-id then maps to Unix non-login shell accounts. The Unix account then becomes the base for cloning of the repos in the corresponding Gitlab account.

BPOs go through different states and stages. A “Registered” BPO reserves a particular name/number for that BPO. “Realization” of a BPO results in creation of the git account that holds the repositories of that BPO and its subsequent activation. “Activation” of the BPO results in creation of a non-login account on the system and cloning of the repositories of that BPO. Activated BPOs can then be kept in sync through Git. An activated System BPO can then be “Materialized”. Materialization of a System BPO results in creation of BISOS entities.

Combinations of profiled deb-packages for internet application services and their configurations in the form of BPOs can then create Libre Services that are possession assertable, portable and transferable.

BISOS Possession Assertable Libre Services (PALS)


Based on capabilities of BPOs and the capabilities of service-side profiled Debian packages, we can now create Libre Services.

BISOS Libre Services can be thought of four parts:

  1. Libre-Halaal software of the services (usually a Debian Package)
  2. Configuration information for the software for the service (often as a repo of a PALS-BPO)
  3. Names and numbers for binding of services (as a repo of a PAAI-BPO)
  4. Service owner data (in the form of one or more BPOs)

This model provides for portability and transferability of Libre Services between network abodes. For example, a Libre Service at a provider can be transferred to its owner to be self-hosted.

There are some similarities between PALS-BPO and container virtualization (Docker and Kubernetes). PALS-BPOs include comprehensive information for construction of services and these can be mapped to container virtualization. However, at this time BISOS does not use container virtualization, as it is redundant. BISOS uses BPOs to create and recreate Kernel-based Virtual Machines (KVM) inside of which PALS-BPOs are deployed.

Self-hosting is the practice of running and maintaining a Libre Service under one’s own full control at one’s own premise. BISOS Possession Assertable Libre Services (PALS) can be initially self-hosted and then transferred to a Libre Service provider. PALS can also be initially externally hosted and then become self-hosted on demand. The concept of “transferability” between network abodes is well supported in BISOS.

Network Abodes and Transferability


In the proprietary American digital ecosystem, the concept of network abodes is mostly vague. Names such as cloud and edge are used without much precision, and, the concept of transferability simply does not exist. You cannot self-host your Gmail service.

Within ByStar and BISOS, we have precise definitions for where Libre Services can be realized and where they can be transferred to. This is depicted in Figure [[#fig:networkAbodes]fig:networkAbodes]


Let’s define “edge” as point of demarcation between the public digital world and the physical world (and its associated private digital environment). In Figure [[#fig:networkAbodes]fig:networkAbodes] this is depicted as a dotted red circle. When by physical world, we mean “things”, then in the American Internet, we have the culture and lingo of IoT (Internet of Things) Edge Computing. But what if by the physical world, we mean people — individuals?

The three concentric circles on the outer side of the edge are called “Rims”. These are:

  1. Exposed Rim.

    Systems in the Exposed Rim are on your premise, and they are externally visible. Wifi hotspots, routers and VPNs are usually in the Exposed Rim. Self-Hosting of PALS occurs in the Exposed Rim. We refer to the abode of the collection of Self-Hosted PALS as the Public Rim. Systems in the Exposed Rim should be well secured as they are vulnerable to direct attacks.

  2. Inner Rim.

    Systems in the Inner Rim are on your premise behind a firewall. private desktops, fileservers, private Gitlab and private registrars are usually in the Inner Rim. Systems in the Inner Rim are usually physically stationary.

    The likes of security systems, media centers, and monitoring cameras that in the proprietary model are considered customer-premise-equipment (CPE) are regarded as yours in the ByStar model. Such services of yours reside in your Inner Rim.

  3. Outer Rim.

    Systems in the Outer Rim are usually portable devices and at this time they are on your premise behind a firewall. Laptops, Pads, Mobile-Phones (with wifi access) are usually in the Outer Rim. Systems in the Outer Rim are usually portable devices.

The four concentric circles on the outer side of the edge are called “Rings”. These are:

  1. Collocation Ring.

    Systems in the Collocation Ring are on somebody else’s premise (usually a data center), but they belong to you (or are rented by you). A collocation data center is a physical facility that offers space with the proper power, cooling, network connectivity and security to host other people’s computing hardware and servers. There is a certain aspect of self-possession in the Collocation Ring.

  2. Private Cloud Ring.

    Systems in the Private Cloud Ring are usually virtualized and are under your exclusive access.

  3. Public Cloud Ring.

    Systems in the Public Cloud Ring are usually virtualized and are under your access.

  4. Public Internet Application Services.

    Examples of Public Internet Application Services in the proprietary American digital ecosystem are Gmail, Facebook and Instagram. You pay for public proprietary internet application services by becoming the product, through your privacy.

In the model of the proprietary American digital ecosystem, a given internet application service typically permanently resides in the ring abodes and is not transferable to other service providers. The service belongs to the service provider and it is locked.

In the ByStar model, the service belongs to its user and it is the user who decides where she wants to realize it. This transferability is accomplished through the abstractions of BPOs (BISOS Portable Objects), PALS (Possession Assertable Libre Services) and PAAI (Possession Assertable Autonomous Identities). In Figure [[#fig:networkAbodes]fig:networkAbodes] the segment labeled “PAAI & PALS” spans the Exposed Rim, the Collocation Ring, the Private Cloud Ring, the Public Cloud Ring and the Application Services Ring. This means that a BISOS based Libre Services can be transferred between any of those network abodes.

BISOS can also be used to provide access to proprietary internet application services. This is shown in the segment labeled “AAS” of Figure [[#fig:networkAbodes]fig:networkAbodes]. Abstracted Application Services (AAS) are facilities that allow for abstraction of some proprietary internet application services to be used by BISOS. One such internet service is Gmail. Gmail can be used through Blee-Gnus and BISOS-MARMEE.

Ramifications of Libre-Halaal Edge-Oriented Strategies


To illustrate the privacy and autonomy-oriented benefits of the PALS model, let’s compare and contrast the American Internet with ByStar in the context of a very simple but very important human application: “email”. To be more concrete and specific, in the context of the American Internet, let’s use the fictional example of an American politician called “Hillary Clinton”. In the context of ByStar, let’s use the fictional example of an Iranian engineer called “Mohsen Banan”.

In the American Internet environment, the individual typically has at least two email addresses. One is through her work, say at the State Department, as: “[email protected]”. The other is for personal use, as:
[email protected]”. Paying attention to her email addresses, we note that “hillary.clinton” is always on the left side of the “@”. This means that “” has risen in the middle and controls “hillary.clinton@” — and millions of others. This means that Google has full possession and full control over Hillary’s personal emails. Her “[email protected]” emails are neither autonomous nor private. Now, since Hillary Clinton is an intelligent and powerful American politician, she has recognized that her privacy and autonomy are important and that her email communications should be under her full control. She is rich, so, she goes ahead and sets up her own email server in her basement. We don’t know if that email server was based on proprietary software or not, but we do know that as an individualistic American, she was only focused on addressing her own email autonomy and privacy concerns. Email autonomy and privacy of society at large was not her concern.

In the ByStar environment, the individual similarly also has two sets of email addresses. Mohsen’s work email may well be under the control of his employer, but his private email service and email addresses are under his own control. For personal use, Mohsen has registered and obtained for himself.\ Notice that while is part of ByStar,\ belongs to Mohsen. Based on that, he can now create a series of email addresses for himself.\ For example, he can use “[email protected]” for matters related to distribution of this document.\ He can use “[email protected]” on his visit cards.

Now, let’s compare and contrast the email addresses “[email protected]” and
[email protected]”. The right-part of the ‘@’ signifies ownership and control. The right part of ‘@’ controls the left-part of ‘@’. So, controls “hillary.clinton”.\ While controls “myDesk” and Mohsen, owns\ Notice that controls millions of people through their left-part. In ByStar, millions of people can obtain their own right-parts and then control their own left-parts — and own their own portable full email addresses.\ Notice that while has positioned itself in the middle of the network,\ has positioned itself in the edge of the network. Longer domain names which fully take advantage of DNS’s hierarchical design are manifestations of edge-oriented strategies.

Next, let’s compare and contrast the software of the service against the software of The software of service is proprietary. It belongs to Google. We don’t know what it does. When you hit the delete button for a particular email, you can no longer see that message. But perhaps Google is keeping all of your deleted messages somewhere, forever. Because it is all proprietary software, you just don’t know what is actually happening with the emails that you may think are yours. The software of services is part of the public ByStar software. It is part of BISOS. It is a public resource. That entire software is internally transparent. On your behalf, the engineering profession knows what it does and what it does not. When you delete one of your own email messages, it can be known that it was truly deleted — forever. This is what having a Libre-Halaal Service means.

With ByStar in place, all the Hillary Clintons of this world can have their own email communications under their own full control. We invite Hillary Clinton to join ByStar. As an American politician, perhaps she can start thinking about solving her society’s email problems — not just her own. We welcome her assistance in promoting ByStar.

Consider the privacy and autonomy of such edge-to-edge email communications between
[email protected]” and\ “[email protected]”.\ The mail protocol traffic is of course end-to-end encrypted between\ and The message itself can additionally be encrypted. At no point is any third party in possession of the clear-text message. Logs of the message transfer are only in the possession of the two edges. And all of this can be realized on an internet-scale.

All ByStar individual services are designed to be end-to-end and edge-oriented. The concepts of end-to-end and edge-orientation are integral to ByStar’s decentralized design, which stands in stark contrast to Gmail’s highly centralized approach. However, these edge-oriented services don’t need to reside on the “Rims” side of the network edge. Since ByStar individual services are possession-assertable and portable, they can also be provisioned in the “Rings”. See Figure [[#fig:networkAbodes]fig:networkAbodes] for the references to Edge, Rims and Rings. This provides for options of self-hosting or external-hosting of individual services. So, can be made to be as convenient as yet preserves the guarantees of autonomy and privacy through being possession-assertable, portable, Libre-Halaal, and edge-oriented.

While here we focused on the email service as an end-to-end edge-oriented strategy, similar approaches can be applied to other internet applications and intra-edge applications. In the edge-oriented ByStar model, when you control the thermostat in your own house, that can all happen as a ByStar intra-edge application without loss of privacy and autonomy.

BISOS Model of Platform Universalityand Software-Service Continuums


Earlier we made several points about the universality of BISOS. We pointed out that BISOS inherits Debian’s universality, and that our design philosophy includes relying on a singular Unix with full cohesion.

We have Service-Side BISOS for creation of internet services and we have Usage-Side BISOS for usage of internet services. These two create the BISOS software-service continuum. This is very powerful because the two sides are very consistent. This is depicted in Figure [[#fig:bxp-layerings]fig:bxp-layerings].


Note in Figure [[#fig:bxp-layerings]fig:bxp-layerings] that although the lowest layer (hardware) of the two stacks is very different, most of the rest of the stack is very common. Also note that on the top parts, capabilities are complimentary based on the common lower layers.

The degree of consistency and cohesion that this universality creates if far superior to what exists today in the proprietary American digital ecosystem.

BISOS Virtualization Platform


The left side of Figure [[#fig:bxp-layerings]fig:bxp-layerings] depicts the Service Environment of BISOS. As shown, the BISOS Service Environment is based on Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM).

BISOS Virtualization Platform uses KVM, virsh, and Vagrant to create the needed foundation so that System BPOs representing BISOS KVMs can be “Materialized” and “Re-Materialized”. This permits us to transport VMs across hosts and also to view VMs and their services as reproducible on demand. This is the equivalent of viewing BISOS KVMs as disposable.

With BISOS, we have chosen not to use the likes of Openstack. Even a minimal Openstack involves a fair amount resources and complexities which are oriented towards medium size data-centers. You can think of BISOS Virtualization Platform as a lightweight Openstack oriented towards autonomous edges. BISOS Virtualization Platform privide a good alternative to the likes of Openstack for small servers and data-centers.

With BISOS, for PALS, we have chosen not to use the likes of Docker-containers, Kubernetes and OpenShift. The concept of Service BPOs allows us to abstract out service packages. The ByStar autonomous edge oriented model does not demand the types of scalability and elasticity that the likes of Kubernetes and OpenShift bring to the table. For Central ByStar Services, where we will use the likes of Kubernetes and OpenShift.

PyCS (Python Command Services):BISOS’s Integration Framework


BISOS is largely focused on configuration and integration of related software packages towards creation of consistent services. This is typically done with “scripts” that augment the software packages in a consistent way. By scripts, we mean programs that are executed at command line. At times we also need to build Remote Operations (RO) to accommodate remote invocation of central services.

There are three fundamental important choices to be made:

  1. What programming language should we use for integration?
  2. What command-line framework should we use?
  3. What Remote Operations (Web Services, REST, Micro Services) framework should we use?

BISOS primarily uses Python and some Bash for scripting.

There are various Python frameworks for command-line and web services. These include click, FastAPI, Flask, Django, RPyC and various others. None of these provide a comprehensive enough framework for BISOS. BPyF (BISOS Python Framework) is a comprehensive integration framework of BISOS that combines existing capabilities from various Python frameworks.


As depicted in Figure [[#fig:pycsAnatomy]fig:pycsAnatomy], BPyF consists of five major parts.

  • Common facilities — logging, io, error handling, etc.
  • File Parameters (FP) and Schema of File Parameters — BISOS’s data representation and configuration model
  • PyCS: Python Command Services
  • BISOS Abstractions
  • CS-Units and CS-MultiUnits

In Figure [[#fig:pycsAnatomy]fig:pycsAnatomy], boxes under the dashed line represent various libraries. General purpose libraries (on the right side is light green) provide common facilities such as IO, logging, error handling and configuration management which are used throughout BISOS. Various libraries that represent BISOS abstractions in Python such as BPOs, PALS and PAAI. These are shown on the left side in darker green.

For data representation, BISOS uses its own model called File Parameters. The equivalent functionality of File Parameters is often provided by Yaml and Json in typical open-source software packages.

PyCS Expectation Complete Operations (ECO)


PyCS is rooted in the model of Expectation Complete Operations (ECO), which allows for local invocation of an ECO to map to command-line invocation and remote invocation of an ECO to map to the microservices model and Remote Operations. This universality of ECOs allows for command-line facilities to become microservices.

Facilities for command line invocation are depicted above the dashed line, on the left side of “internet”. Facilities in support of service (Remote Operation) performers are depicted above the dashed line, on the right side of “internet”.

Expectation complete operations are specified and implemented in CS-Units. A CS-Multi-Unit represents a collection of CS-Units. Notice that CS-Unit and CS-Multi-Unit boxes are replicated on both sides of “internet”. This indicates that both commands and remote operations map to expectation complete operations.

Each ECO is capable of describing everything expected from the operation in full detail which includes all typing information. The information in Expectation Complete Operation includes:

  • Name of the operation
  • All input parameters
    • List of optional and mandatory parameters
    • List of positional arguments
    • Stdin expectations
  • All outcome parameters
    • All result parameters
    • All error parameters

The information of expectation complete operation then maps to command-line verbs, parameters and arguments, and similarly for remote operations. The list of available verbs is specified by the CS-Multi-Unit. Since CS-Multi-Units are capable of describing all of the expectations of all of their operations, very powerful automated user interfaces for invocation of operations can be built. The “CS Player” box in Figure [[#fig:pycsAnatomy]fig:pycsAnatomy] illustrates that.

BISOS PyCS Remote Operations (Web Services)


Many BISOS facilities need to be implemented and are implemented as remote operations. We use the concept and abstraction of remote operations instead of web services or microservices, to define network exposed operations.

In BISOS, instead of choosing specific web services or rpc paradigms such as OpenAPI/Swagger, FastAPI, SOAP, gRPC, RPyC, etc, we bind our model of Expectation Complete Operations (ECO) to these at a later stage.

At this time, PyCS remote operations are implemented using RPyC. RPyC or Remote Python Call, is a transparent library for symmetrical remote procedure calls, clustering, and distributed-computing. Use of RPyC is depicted with the line going through the vertical box labeled “internet”. Names used by invokers and performers are shown in the boxes labeled “RO-Sap” (Remote Operation Service Access Point).

PyCS framework provides a solid foundation for transformation of software into services and integration of software and services in BISOS.

ByStar Libre-Halaal Emacs user Environment (Blee)


Blee, ByStar Libre-Halaal Emacs Environment, is ByStar’s primary usage environment. It is fully integrated with BISOS and Blee is aware of all ByStar conceptual constructs.

Conventional OS wisdom calls for separation of OS functionality from user-interface/usage-environment. But BISOS is not a traditional OS and Emacs is not a traditional usage-environment.

The concepts of universal platform and software-service-continuum that we presented have ramifications on usage and user experience. ByStar services can thus be greatly enhanced by providing the user with a “matched” environment—a user environment that is closely integrated with the service. This provides the user with features and capabilities that go far beyond what is possible using the traditional generic browser access.

By fully integrating BISOS and Blee, we accomplish a degree of cohesion and conviviality within the ByStar Digital Ecosystem that is absent in the American internet environments. Blee is significantly more broad and sophisticated than other usage environments.


In Figure [[#fig:bleeCentricPerspectiveOfBxDE]fig:bleeCentricPerspectiveOfBxDE] we depict that Blee is part of BISOS and that Blee includes Emacs. Think of Figure [[#fig:bleeCentricPerspectiveOfBxDE]fig:bleeCentricPerspectiveOfBxDE] as a containment hierarchy. The Libre-Halaal ByStar Digital Ecosystems contains both Usage-Side BISOS platforms and Service-Side BISOS platforms. The Usage-Side BISOS platform contains Blee. And Blee contains Emacs.

Emacs is a 40-plus years old editor centered usage environment, with a Lisp engine at its core and an extremely powerful display and editing engine in its nucleus. Emacs is one of the oldest Free Software in continuous use. Over the past 40 plus years, sophisticated engineers have added support for anything and everything to Emacs. Emacs’s well designed fundamental abstractions make it the most convivial usage environment. Emacs is a multi-lingual editor that supports most human languages. But out of the box, Emacs is clunky and difficult to use.

Blee serves two purposes:

  1. Blee integrates with BISOS and ByStar services and ByStar concepts.
  2. Blee makes Emacs less clunky and easier to use without losing any of Emacs’s conviviality.

Figure [[#fig:bleeCentricPerspectiveOfBxDE]fig:bleeCentricPerspectiveOfBxDE] depicts that Emacs contains a very powerful display engine, a very powerful Lisp engine, a very powerful input methods engine and a very powerful applications development framework. Emacs is primarily known as a textual environment. But it is more than that. Emacs is now capable of handling multimedia (images/audio/video) as well. Emacs’s display engine supports bidirectional (bidi) text and is fully multilingualized. Emacs supports input methods for many human languages. Emacs’s Lisp engine and its applications development framework allow for convenient development and customization of applications.

Blee builds on Emacs.


Figure [[#fig:bleeFeaturesOverview]fig:bleeFeaturesOverview] shows some of the salient features of Blee. For each of the programming languages of BISOS (Python, Bash, Elisp, LaTeX, Web environment and C/C++) Blee provides Interactive Development Environments (IDEs) that go beyond the language and include the frameworks and libraries of BISOS.

The usage of BISOS’s Integration Framework (PyCS) described in Section [[#sec:PyCS:BISOS’sIntegrationFramework]sec:PyCS:BISOS’sIntegrationFramework] is facilitated in Blee through Blee Command Services Players. Each Command Service, whether it is a command-line or a remote-operation (microservice), is expectations complete and can be run more conveniently through Blee.

Of course, all of BISOS and Blee is self-documented. The documentation takes the form of Blee-Org-Panels which take the form of related org-files. Unlike typical documentation, Blee Org Panels are active. You can modify, configure and customize BISOS and Blee from within Blee-Org-Panels. Additionally, Blee-Org-Panels can be used by users to organize their own information and applications.

All of the key abstractions of BISOS (BPO, PALS, PAAI, AAS), can be managed through Blee.

The combination of Blee and BISOS fully wraps development, management and usage of ByStar services. Such universality facilitates continuous growth of ByStar.

Collaborative Org-Mode Enhanced Emacs Generalized Authorship



All coding and all writing in BISOS is based on a model called: COMEEGA (Collaborative Org Mode Enhanced Emacs Generalized Authorship). COMEEGA is the primary authorship model of Blee and BISOS.

COMEEGA is a Blee concept and an Emacs package for enhancing readability and usability of various authorship-major-modes with augmentation by org-mode content. COMEEGA is the inverse of Literate Programming, where code is written in native programming mode and then augmented with comments and doc-strings in org-mode. COMEEGA is applicable to authorship in general and programming languages (elisp, python, bash) and publishing (LaTeX, html) in particular. When applicable, doc-strings can be written in org-mode. File related TODOs and scheduling can be specified in org-mode and execution of functions can be facilitated from within the file. In effect all org-mode capabilities are combined with the native authorship-major-mode capabilities.

The “collaborative” dimension of COMEEGA is inherited from git and org-mode. COMEEGA-files are usually in git repos. File level collaboration maintains the natural communication context. Org-mode TODOs and scheduling, delegation, tracking and rich commenting allow for targeted collaboration. org-archiving combined with git fundamentals provide convenient collaboration and responsibility oriented audit-trails.

BISOS Software-Service Continuum Apps

Thus far, we have provided an overview of the BISOS infrastructure. Based on these, there are various capabilities that the owner-user can profit from. In BISOS, we call these capabilities “Software-Service Continuum Applications” (SSCA).

As described in Section [[#sec:BISOSModelofPlatformUniversality]sec:BISOSModelofPlatformUniversality] — and shown in Figure [[#fig:bxp-layerings]fig:bxp-layerings], part of the capability is realized in software on the user side and part of the capability may realized on the services side. Since both the user-side and the service-side are based on the universal BISOS platform the resulting combined capability is consistent and flexible.

There are many BISOS software-service continuum applications and the model is open ended. There is an SSCA for genealogy, for photo galleries, and much more.

In BISOS, Software-Service Continuum Applications have a common structure. They typically consist of a three layered stack.

  1. BISOS-Svc-Layer: BISOS Services Layer runs as a service-provider and interacts with the BISOS-Sw-Layer.
  2. BISOS-Sw-Layer: BISOS Software Layer that facilitates work of Blee-SSCA-Agent and interacts with BISOS-Svc-Layer.
  3. Blee-SSCA-Agent: Emacs-Lisp Code of Blee which the user interacts with.

The general model of interactions between BISOS-Sw-Layer and BISOS-Svc-Layer is typically that of Remote Operations where BISOS-Sw-Layer assumes the invoker role and BISOS-Svc-Layer assumes the performer role.

There are two BISOS software-service continuum applications that are foundational. These are email processing and content generation and self-publication.

BISOS Email Software-Service Continuum App

Email is a foundational application. BISOS Email SSCA is structured as follows: The Blee-SSCA-Agent for email is called Blee-Gnus. The BISOS-Sw-Layer is called MARMEE (Multi-Account Resident Message Exchange Environment). BISOS-Svc-Layer is called BISOS-Mail-Service.


Figure [[#fig:marmeeBleeGnusIntegration]fig:marmeeBleeGnusIntegration] depicts Blee-Gnus and MARMEE in the context of split-MUA (Mail User Agent) Blee-Gnus is the usage environment and MARMEE addresses mail protocols processing. Gnus is a very flexible mail processing environment which is integrated into Emacs.

BISOS uses a modified version of qmail called BISOS-qmail as the MTA (Mail Transfer Agent). When used it as a traditional MTA, we refer to it as PALS-qmail. And on the usage side we call it MARMEE-qmail. For incoming mail within MARMEE, BISOS uses offlineimap.

It is possible to use MARMEE and Blee-Gnus to access other email services. This is done through configuration of an AAS (Abstracted Accessible Service). For example, in addition to ByStar email, an owner-user can also access her gmail account with Blee-Gnus.

BISOS Content Generation and Self-Publication


BISOS software-service continuum application for content generation and self-publication is called LCNT (Libre Content).

The content generation capabilities of LCNT are akin to Microsoft-Word and PowerPoint. But the model of content generation in BISOS is very different from Microsoft-Word and Microsoft-PowerPoint. We use LaTeX for document processing and COMEEGA-Blee for authorship.


A pictorial overview of multi-media content generation is provided in Figure [[#fig:bxMmDocProc]fig:bxMmDocProc]. A single LaTeX source file is used to embed text, images, audio and video. This single source file is then processed in a variety of ways with a variety of tools including XeLaTeX and HeVeA to produce a variety of outputs including pdf and html. Multimedia frames/slides are then disposed using reveal.js.

BISOS-LCNT also includes facilities for self-publication where the above mentioned generated content can be pushed to owner-user’s web sites and can also be syndicated.

Privacy and Regulatory Ramifications of BISOS

Technological design of BISOS is very different from the technological design of proprietary American internet application services.

BISOS capabilities revolve around the abstraction of the individual and its belongings and delivery of possession and control of those abstractions to the individual. In BISOS, you own and possess your own data and you can own and possess your own services.

BISOS’s philosophy is privacy by design.

Privacy by design is the antithesis of the proprietary American internet application services model, which is based on surveillance by design. Surveillance by design leads to centralized architectures and control, while privacy by design architecture leads to distributed architectures and autonomous control.

Since proprietary American internet application services are fundamentally designed for surveillance, the needed societal regulations are complex and ineffective. Since ByStar and BISOS are fundamentally designed for privacy, societal regulations are very simple and effective. ByStar is designed to be self-regulating. ByStar promotes proactive regulations as opposed to the current model of reactive regulations. The engineers have done the work. The politicians just need to understand. The bulk of the needed regulations can amount to exclusive use of PALS Libre Services as defined in Section [[#sec:DefinitionOfPals]sec:DefinitionOfPals] — .

ByStar and BISOS Security

The fundamental design of BISOS carries significant security implications across various dimensions.

Due to its complete open-source nature, the ByStar software supply chain is susceptible to the common vulnerabilities present in open-source ecosystems. To address these vulnerabilities, we have implemented a clear Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) to identify ByStar software components, ensuring their origin from trustworthy sources. We’ve adopted a pinned model to prevent unexpected changes and will establish mirrors for all used packages at and, which will become the sole sources for ByStar systems to obtain software packages.

ByStar incorporates many leading security practices for authentication, authorization, and access control. SSH keys are extensively utilized, with passwords rarely employed. Continual scrutiny of BISOS’s security design is essential.

The combined capabilities of BPOs, PALS, and service recreation within BISOS render many traditional security models obsolete. Furthermore, autonomous Libre Services, being transferable and easily recreatable, further challenge conventional security paradigms. In the event of intrusion detection or periodically as a preventive measure, contaminated services can be swiftly replaced with fresh instances, with potential for full automation.

ByStar and Edge Oriented Uses of BISOS

ByStar’s primary offerings are real, tangible and practical autonomy and privacy – on a very large scale. The scope of ByStar is everything. The ”” in By comes from Unix’s glob expansion symbol. All ByStar services are unified and consistent. The integrated facilities of ByStar are intended to be used by a very large segment of the population on this planet.

In terms of richness of services, ByStar capabilities are vast — paralleling most of what exists in the proprietary internet today. But there are two fundamental differences:

  1. the ownership model of the service — proprietary vs Libre-Halaal
  2. the manner of deployment and usage of the services — rise-of-the-middle vs edge-oriented

These in turn have immense ramifications on autonomy and privacy of the individual. The technology used to deliver ByStar services is often based on existing open-source software. ByStar does not limit or reduce any of the positive aspects of the existing internet. By changing the model, it alleviates the negative privacy and autonomy threats.

ByStar does not intend to displace the American internet immediately. It is an evolutionary strategy. The Libre-Halaal ByStar digital ecosystem exists in parallel with the proprietary American digital ecosystem, but with separate values. Throughout this exposition, we compare and contrast ByStar with “The American Internet.” By that we mean, the proprietary American digital ecosystem as it exists today as a set of internet application services dominated by American corporations and the American model. We fully endorse the global equal access model of the internet at layer 3. It is the exclusive rise-of-the-middle American model of internet at layer 7 that we reject.

The specific purpose of BISOS is to facilitate the creation of Libre-Halaal ByStar Digital Ecosystem.

Let’s see how ByStar uses BISOS to realize the underlying model and capabilities of the Libre-Halaal ByStar digital ecosystem.

  • ByStar is about redecentralization of the internet. Control and ownership is transferred from central corporations to distributed individuals (as autonomous entities). Rise-of-the-middle model is rejected in favor of the autonomous edges model.

    BISOS was designed for all of that. BISOS is inherently edge oriented.

  • ByStar software and internet services are un-owned/publicly-owned and internally transparent.

    BISOS’s Libre-Halaal software adheres to the AGPL license. All components of ByStar Individual Services can be replicated using their accessible source code.

  • Broadly speaking, ByStar services fall into these 3 categories:
    1. ByStar Individual (Possession-Assertable/Autonomous) Services.
    2. ByStar Content Syndication Services.
    3. ByStar Facilitated Direct and Assisted Inter-Autonomous Interaction Services.

    BISOS PALS address (1) and (3). BISOS’s Libre Content (LCNT) addresses (2).

  • ByStar individual services represent real individuals in the real world. In ByStar, real individuals have real autonomy, real control and real ownership of their own ByStar individual services. ByStar individual services are edge-oriented and can be externally-hosted or self-hosted. When externally hosted, ByStar individual services are regulated to be portable and possession-assertable. For example, Mohsen’s ByStar individual services is:\ You can have your own as: Since you own your domain and since you can fully possess the service and your data at will, you have real autonomy.

    BISOS PAAI is designed to support deep domain names and PALS are transferable.

  • ByStar individual services are “Possession-Assertable”. A portable hosted service can be transferred to the individual who owns it where the individual becomes her own Application Service Provider. For example, people can run their own fully private email servers in their own houses. Just like Hillary Clinton.

    Some early examples of ByStar possession-assertable individual service factory domains are:, ByFamily, BySMB, ByMemory, ByAlias, ByWhere, ByAuthor and ByArtist.

  • Direct inter-autonomous relations such as Facebook style photo sharing are accomplished through the individual’s own possession-assertable authorization services (individualized OAuth services). Healthy equivalents of capabilities of typical social networks can be created with PALS authorization services where each individual uses his own OAuth service to grant access to his own resources.

    BISOS-OAuth supports this.

  • Syndication services such as Youtube style content publication are clearly regulated and integrated with ByStar content production capabilities of individual services. Some early examples of ByStar syndication services are: ByTopic, ByContent, ByLookup, ByEvent, BySource, ByBinary, BySearch.
  • Facilitated inter-autonomous interaction services such as dating, auction and trade services, are clearly regulated and well integrated with ByStar identity services. Some early examples of ByStar inter-autonomous facilitated interaction services are:
    ByInteraction, ByHookUp, ByEntity.
  • ByStar also functions as a hierarchical registrar. For example, Mohsen Banan’s registration of with the registrar results in ownership of by Mohsen Banan. This domain registration is independent of the service provider that is hosting the portable and possession-assertable individual service. The combination of the portable owned domain and the portability of publicly-owned ByStar individual services allows for transparent transfer of an individual service from one hosting service to another hosting service. This accomplishes the equivalent of Wireless Local Number Portability. Such fundamental user freedoms are absent in the American internet.

    BISOS PALS are portable and transferable.

  • ByStar is mostly self-regulated. Upon assertion by the user-owner, the ByStar individual service provider must fully and permanently delete the possession-asserted service and all her data. Or otherwise, ab initio let the owner know that her data will be maintained. Within applicable jurisdictions, ByStar service providers must comply with Lawful Interception (LI) and satisfy regulatory requirements and legal obligations towards Law Enforcement Agencies. Syndication and facilitated inter-autonomous relation providers are subject to known and clear regulations and restrictions.

The Full Big Picture of ByStar, BISOS and Blee

Nature of Polyexistentials:

Basis for Abolishment of the Western Intellectual Property Rights Regime

And Introduction of the Libre-Halaal ByStar Digital Ecosystem

On Line: PLPC-120033 at GithubDOI — PDF: 8.5x11A4

Order Book Prints At Amazon: US France UK Japan (424 pages — 6 x 0.96 x 9 inches)

Comments, Feedback: [email protected]

Much of what you find on GitHub today represents the surrogate activities of tunnel vision technocrats (sec 12.1.7). These engineers often produce or improve component-oriented FOSS results which are usually tactical and limited in scope and often end up catering to the interests of corporate American proprietary internet service providers. ByStar, however, follows a different model. ByStar’s Git repositories are structured as public GitHub organizations that align with the architecture of ByStar itself. All of these components primarily contribute to our own digital ecosystem. Key engineering components of ByStar include: ::
BISOS: By* Internet Services Operating System — On top of Debian, BISOS builds a unified and universal framework for developing both internet services and software-service continuums that use internet services. :: \ Blee: BISOS Libre-Halaal Emacs Environment — On top of Emacs and BISOS, Blee creates a comprehensive integrated usage and development environment. Blee and BISOS are fully integrated. ::\ BPO: BISOS Portable Objects — With Git and similar to Apt, BPO establishes a platform for packaging of data, software, and configurations of software. This creates a uniform model for portability, encompassing services and personal information. :: PALS: Possession Assertable Libre Services — With BPO and BISOS, PALS construct a model for optional self hosting of services. In ByStar, individual-oriented services belong to the individual and through PALS, autonomy and privacy is enforceable. :: For bootstraping BISOS, Blee and ByStar; you can start at:

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