#SPIF - Sensitive and Private Information Filter
A tool for filtering open data for private/sensitive information before publication
This Tool is developed during the RHoK Global Hackaton in Trento, Italy - Dec 1-2, 2012
The problem statement is at - http://www.rhok.org/problems/ffilter-tool-screening-open-data-privatesensitive-information-publication
We would like to have your feedback!
- text files, CSV
- Social Security Number
- Credit Cards Number
- Telephone Number
- Bank Account Number
- Python 2.7 - http://www.python.org/
- OpenPyXL library - http://packages.python.org/openpyxl/
- PyPDF - http://pybrary.net/pyPdf/
- Python Docx Library - http://github.com/mikemaccana/python-docx
- pmw - http://sourceforge.net/projects/pmw/files/Pmw/ (mandatory to run the GUI version)
##Operating Systems This script is indepent of the host platform (Windows, Linux or MacOS). All it needs is a Python interpretor. We tested this script on:
- MacOs 10.6.4
- Ubuntu 12.10 LTS
- Command Line Mode
python spif.py filename.ext
- GUI Mode
python main.py
##Known Issues
- Not all pdf files are supported by PyPdf library, do not get surprised if the script is selective on pdf files as the conversion scheme matters.
- Docx conversion does not give the page number where a sensitive or private information is found. So it is a little course-grained.
- Depending on what you are scanning, some filters could be noisy or quite useful. For example, a 16 digits pattern flagged as credit card number in a session cookie of an HTML page is useless while the same pattern in a network traffic could be an example of a real credit card number being sent over unencrypted connection.
- Birhanu Eshete - birhanu.mekuria(at)gmail.com
- Ali Fawzi Najm Al-Shammari - afnfun(at)yahoo.com
- Michele Fogarolli - michelefoga(at)gmail.com
##License This code is released under the MIT License