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Yellow Umbrella

Yellow umbrella is a generate NFT game based on DNA exploration.

Players use their genetic sequence to mint a unique NFT. Players can recombine their NFT with that of other players to generate new NFTs with different traits. Additionally, they can use the platform to discover more about their health.

Table of Contents


git clone
cd yellow-umbrella

Deploy contracts

From within the frontend folder, in one terminal window:

npx hardhat node

In another terminal window:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network <network>

To deploy on localhost, network is "localhost". To deploy on Oasis Emerald Testnet, use "emerald_testnet".

Run front-end

cd frontend
npm install
npm run build-css
npm run compile
npm run start

Deploy to AWS Lambda

Install AWS SAM CLI as per docs. Then:

cd gene-similarity-sam
sam build
sam deploy


The current working template for the front-facing web app is the following:

Next steps

  1. Add functionality for recombining NFTs with others
  2. Increase health-related information made available via the DApp