This a simple program written in Go language that read a XML file created by Veneto Regional Agency for Protection on Environment (ARPAV) and print to stdout all the field divided by a simple semicolon
Program have only one parameter, the number of station without zero ( three cypher ) and read from Arpav website the xml file.
to build
#>go build
The xml file structure is decoded in struct.go
the principle node
type Conten struct {
Forn string `xml:"FORNITORE"`
IstRun string `xml:"ISTANTERUN"`
Inizio string `xml:"INIZIO"`
Fine string `xml:"FINE"`
Stazioni []Stazione `xml:"STAZIONE"`
this is stations structure
type Stazione struct {
XMLNAME xml.Name `xml:"STAZIONE"`
IDSt int `xml:"ISTAZ"`
Nome string `xml:"NOME"`
PosX float64 `xml:"X"`
PosY float64 `xml:"Y"`
Quota int `xml;"QUOTA"`
TipoSt string `xml:"TIPOSTAZ"`
Prov string `xml:"PROVINCIA"`
Comune string `xml:"COMUNE"`
DataAtt string `xml:"ATTIVAZIONE"`
Sensori []Sensore `xml:"SENSORE"`