The text editor lem is the lisp hacker editor, super complete, extensible and easy to understand, together with emacs they are very powerful tools for those who work with lisp and many other languages. Knowing that there are people who don’t like configuring the editor or who don’t know how to configure the editor, I created this distro to make your user experience as easy as possible.
# If you have another config, make a backup of it.
mv .lem .lem.bak
# and clone the repo
git clone ~/.lem
After that, just start your lem normally
- Lisp mode
- Guile mode
- Java mode
- C mode
- Html mode
- Css mode
- Js mode
- C-c s: split active window horizontally
- C-c v: split active window vertically
- C c o: change to next window
- C-c p: change to previous window
- C-d: delete active window
- C-c l: start lisp mode
- C-r r: start lisp repl
- C-h p: lisp apropos package
- C-h f: lisp describe symbol
- C-h a: lisp apropos
- C-e: exit lem
- C-c r: copy region to clipboard
- C-v: yank text from clipoard
- C-s: save current buffer
- C-z: undo
- C-/: comment or uncomment region
- C-f: find file
- C-r o: toggle read only
- C-r b: rename buffer
- C-h b: describe bindings
- C-h k: describe key
- C-h c: apropos command
These are the current keybinds of the distro
- Gruvbox Material
- Svelte High Contrast
- Svelte