Calendaring component in Svelte
This project is a work-in-progress. It doesn't work as advertised right now, we're just assessing the shape of things. You might consider avoiding it entirely, or opening a lot of PRs :)
npm install --save-dev @beyonk/svelte-scheduler
Create an instance of the Scheduler, and pass it a method to fetch your monthly schedules.
In the example below this is a simple JSON file which has nested years, months, and days.
Inside each day is a reference to a component which should be rendered for that day, and a series of props to pass to it.
Basic usage
// App.svelte
<Scheduler bind:fetchSchedule />
import Scheduler from '@beyonk/svelte-scheduler'
import Popdown from './Popdown.svelte'
import get from 'just-safe-get'
async function fetchSchedule (year, month) {
return get(schedules, [ year, month ])
const schedules = {
2019: {
8: {
22: {
component: EventList,
props: {}
Our EventList component responsively shows a quick day overview.
// EventList.svelte
... whatever you want here.
Each render, and each time the month is changed, the fetchSchedule method will be called again. fetchSchedule returns a simple json object of days of the month.
The scheduler fires a select event when a valid day is clicked, and sets the class 'is-selected' on that day in the calendar.
// App.svelte
<Scheduler on:select={select} />
import Scheduler from '@beyonk/svelte-scheduler'
import get from 'just-safe-get'
function select (e) {
const { year, month, day } = e.details
// You can use year/month/day to fetch full information about an event.
The scheduler can show a day-overview component when a day is clicked. Specify the 'overview' property on your month data.
The overview component receives the same props as your day component.
// App.svelte
<Scheduler bind:fetchSchedule />
import Scheduler from '@beyonk/svelte-scheduler'
import Popdown from './Popdown.svelte'
import EventList from './EventList.svelte'
import get from 'just-safe-get'
async function fetchSchedule (year, month) {
return get(schedules, [ year, month ])
const schedules = {
2019: {
8: {
22: {
component: EventList,
overview: Popdown
props: {}
Our Popdown component lists full event detail.
// Popdown.svelte
... whatever you want here.