Notification service for the Bento platform.
The Bento notification service is configured via environment variables
: (Misleadingly named) Path to the directory in which thedb.sqlite3
file can be found or created.REDIS_HOST
: Redis server host. Default:localhost
: Redis server port. Default:6379
First, Poetry >=1.8.5,<2
must be installed:
pip install -U 'poetry>=1.8.5,<2'
Development dependencies are described in pyproject.toml
using Poetry, and can be
installed using the following command:
poetry install
Afterward, we need to set up the DB:
poetry run flask db upgrade
To create migrations, make sure your database is on the latest migration. Then, do the following:
poetry run flask db migrate -m "Some message here"
To test locally, run:
poetry run tox