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Go-Soap is an open-source library for handling SOAP requests and responses in Go.


  • Easy to understand functions for making SOAP requests
  • Ability to add headers
  • Able to parse responses into dynamic objects for easy data retrieval


You can install Soap using Go modules:

go get

Getting Started

Please see the examples folder for working builds that use this library

  1. In your Go code, import the Soap package:

    import (
  2. Create a struct to house relevant data

    type FahrenheitToCelsius struct {
        Fahrenheit float64
        Celsius    float64
  3. Create a new XML file template using the struct field name inside curly braces as variable placeholders. You can also dotwalk by using the following syntax, if your structs are nested: {InputValues.Fahrenheit} (see examples folder)

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12="">
      <FahrenheitToCelsius xmlns="">
  4. Set your endpoint URL

    const url string = ""
  5. Use the GetTemplate function to load your template into Go

    template, err := soap.GetTemplate("fahrenheit_to_celsius.xml")
    if err != nil {

    This will return an error if unable to fetch the template provided

  6. Create headers in a type map[string]string

    headers := make(map[string]string)
     headers["Content-Type"] = "application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8"
  7. Use the SoapCall function to make the request

    res, err := soap.SoapCall(url, headers, template, values)
     if err != nil {

    This will look at the number of paramters provided, and compare it to the number of parameters detected in your template designated by the %v placeholder. If they do not match, or there is an error making the request, the function will return an error.

  8. Use the ParseXMLResponse function to create a readable object from the XML response

    xmlRes, err := soap.ParseXMLResponse(res)
     if err != nil {

    This will parse the data into a series of XMLObject that contain a Contents field of type map[string]any . This may contain another XMLObject if nesting has occured, or will have a value designated by the key value

  9. To view the structure of the response, print the Structure field of your XMLResponse object

  10. To access a value from the object, use the syntax below to drill down to the location, and access it using .Value this will always be a string

celsiusString := xmlRes.Body.Children["soap:Envelope"].Children["soap:Body"].Children["FahrenheitToCelsiusResponse"].Children["FahrenheitToCelsiusResult"].Value
  1. Use the strconv package to convert your value to a type that matches your struct and assign it to a field
values.Celsius, err = strconv.ParseFloat(celsiusString, 64)
 if err != nil {

Full code:

 package main

import (

   "" // Will be go-soap on non-local imports

// Create struct to fill request body with
// Fields must be exported or available in package, or you will get an error
// populating them into the template
type FahrenheitToCelsius struct {
   Fahrenheit float64
   Celsius    float64

func main() {
   // Set endpoint URL
   const url string = ""

   // Retrieve farenheit_to_celsius.xml template
   template, err := soap.GetTemplate("fahrenheit_to_celsius.xml")
   if err != nil {

   // Set values based on template requirements
   // In this case, the only required value is fahrenheit
   values := FahrenheitToCelsius{
      Fahrenheit: 75,

   // Set headers
   headers := make(map[string]string)
   headers["Content-Type"] = "application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8"

   // Make SOAP call with standard content/type
   res, err := soap.SoapCall(url, headers, template, values)
   if err != nil {
      // Handle error

   // Parse XML response
   xmlRes, err := soap.ParseXMLResponse(res)
   if err != nil {

   // View structure of XML response

   // Get value from XML response                         // Reference Children          // Key                                    // Value will always be a string
   celsiusString := xmlRes.Body.Children["soap:Envelope"].Children["soap:Body"].Children["FahrenheitToCelsiusResponse"].Children["FahrenheitToCelsiusResult"].Value
   // Convert value type to match struct
   values.Celsius, err = strconv.ParseFloat(celsiusString, 64)
   if err != nil {
      // Handle error


If you want to contribute to this project, feel free to open a PR or an issue.