mailchimp-go is a Go client for the MailChimp API v3.
While coverage of the MailChimp API is limited in the current state, the goal is to provide a basic structure that can be built upon to eventually have full coverage.
Contributing code to complete missing resources is greatly appreciated.
Below is the main mailchimp-go GoDoc reference:
mailchimp-go -
Each API resource is a separate package within mailchimp-go.
Below are the GoDoc references for each supported resource:
Lists -
Lists/Members -
Fetch the package from GitHub:
go get
Import to your project:
import mailchimp ""
Import the API resources you wish to use. For example, to use the Lists
import ""
At the moment, this library has minimal coverage of the MailChimp API.
First, set your MailChimp API key:
import mailchimp ""
err := mailchimp.SetKey("YOUR-API-KEY")
import ""
// Set request parameters.
params := &lists.NewParams{
Name: "My List",
Contact: &lists.Contact{
Company: "Acme Corp",
Address1: "123 Main St",
City: "Chicago",
State: "IL",
Zip: "60613",
Country: "United States",
PermissionReminder: "You opted to receive updates on Acme Corp",
CampaignDefaults: &lists.CampaignDefaults{
FromName: "John Doe",
FromEmail: "[email protected]",
Subject: "Newsletter",
Language: "en",
EmailTypeOption: false,
Visibility: lists.VisibilityPublic,
list, err := lists.New(params)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", list)
import ""
// Set request parameters.
params := &members.NewParams{
EmailAddress: "[email protected]",
Status: members.StatusSubscribed,
// Add member to list 123456.
member, err := members.New("123456", params)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", member)
import ""
// Set request parameters.
params := &members.GetParams{
Status: members.StatusSubscribed,
// Get subscribed members of list 123456.
listMembers, err := members.Get("123456", params)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", listMembers)
import ""
// Get member 123 from list 123456.
member, err := members.GetMember("123456", "123", nil)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", member)
import ""
// Delete member 123 from list 123456.
err := members.Delete("123456", "123")
To run the tests, you must have a valid MailChimp account and API key.
Set the API key environment variable:
export MAILCHIMP_API_KEY=your-key
Run the tests from the mailchimp-go directory:
go test -v ./...
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