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bcallaway11 committed Mar 16, 2020
1 parent 39e02f4 commit 0cc3a89
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Showing 4 changed files with 106 additions and 54 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions CRAN-RELEASE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
This package was submitted to CRAN on 2019-06-20.
Once it is accepted, delete this file and tag the release (commit d08661a23c).
This package was submitted to CRAN on 2020-02-17.
Once it is accepted, delete this file and tag the release (commit 39e02f4a04).
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: did
Title: Treatment Effects with Multiple Periods and Groups
Version: 1.2.3
Version: 1.3.0
Authors@R: c(person("Brantly", "Callaway", email = "[email protected]", role = c("aut", "cre")), person("Pedro H.C.", "Sant\'Anna", email="[email protected]", role = c("aut")))
Description: The standard Difference-in-Differences (DID) setup involves two periods and two groups -- a treated group and untreated group. Many applications of DID methods involve more than two periods and have individuals that are treated at different points in time. This package contains tools for computing average treatment effect parameters in Difference in Differences models with more than two periods and with variation in treatment timing using the methods developed in Callaway and Sant'Anna (2019) <>. The main parameters are group-time average treatment effects which are the average treatment effect for a particular group at a a particular time. These can be aggregated into a fewer number of treatment effect parameters, and the package deals with the cases where there is selective treatment timing, dynamic treatment effects, calendar time effects, or combinations of these. There are also functions for testing the Difference in Differences assumption, and plotting group-time average treatment effects.
Depends: R (>= 2.10)
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
# did 1.3.0

# did 1.2.3
* Corrected check problems

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152 changes: 101 additions & 51 deletions R/did.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,70 +81,105 @@ mp.spatt <- function(formla, xformla=NULL, data, tname,
seedvec=NULL, pl=FALSE, cores=2,
printdetails=TRUE) {

## make sure that data is a data.frame
## this gets around RStudio's default of reading data as tibble
# make sure that data is a data.frame
# this gets around RStudio's default of reading data as tibble
if (!all( class(data) == "data.frame")) {
warning("class of data object was not data.frame; converting...")
data <-

data$y <- data[,BMisc::lhs.vars(formla)] ##data[,as.character(]
##figure out the dates and make balanced panel
tlist <- unique(data[,tname])[order(unique(data[,tname]))] ## this is going to be from smallest to largest
# hold the outcome in `y`
data$y <- data[,BMisc::lhs.vars(formla)]

# list of all time periods in the dataset
# from smallest to largest
tlist <- unique(data[,tname])[order(unique(data[,tname]))]

# list of all groups
flist <- unique(data[,])[order(unique(data[,]))]

# make sure that there is an available control group
if ( length(flist[flist==0]) == 0) {
warning("dataset does not have any observations in the control group. make sure to set data[,] = 0 for observations in the control group.")

# drop control group
flist <- flist[flist>0]

## do some error checking

# do some error checking

# make sure time periods are numeric
if (!is.numeric(tlist)) {
warning("not guaranteed to order time periods correclty if they are not numeric")


# holds number of time periods
tlen <- length(tlist)

# holds number of groups
flen <- length(flist)

# setup data in panel case
if (panel) {
# make it a balanced data set
data <- makeBalancedPanel(data, idname, tname)
dta <- data[ data[,tname]==tlist[1], ] ## use this for the influence function

# create an n-row data.frame to hold the influence function later
dta <- data[ data[,tname]==tlist[1], ]

## check that first.treat doesn't change across periods for particular individuals
# check that first.treat doesn't change across periods for particular individuals
if (!all(sapply( split(data, data[,idname]), function(df) {
}))) {
stop("Error: the value of first.treat must be the same across all periods for each particular individual.")
} else {

dta <- data ## this is for repeated cross sections case though
## i'm not sure it's working correctly overall
# n-row data.frame to hold the influence function
dta <- data

# put in blank xformla if no covariates
if (is.null(xformla)) {
xformla <- ~1

## more error handling after we have balanced the panel
# more error handling after we have balanced the panel

# check against very small groups
gsize <- aggregate(data[,], by=list(data[,]), function(x) length(x)/length(tlist))
reqsize <- length(rhs.vars(xformla)) + 5 ## 5 is just to give a buffer, could increase or decrease
gsize <- subset(gsize, x < reqsize) ## x is name of column from aggregate

# how many in each group before give warning
# 5 is just a buffer, could pick something else, but seems to work fine
reqsize <- length(rhs.vars(xformla)) + 5

# which groups to warn about
gsize <- subset(gsize, x < reqsize) # x is name of column from aggregate

# warn if some groups are small
if (nrow(gsize) > 0) {
gpaste <- paste(gsize[,1], collapse=",")
warning(paste0("There are some very small groups in your dataset...\n This is a very common source of bugs...\n Check groups: ", gpaste, "\n and consider dropping these..."))


# main results
# does the heavy-lifting
results <-, tlen, flist, tlist, data, dta,,
formla, xformla, tname, w, panel, idname, method, seedvec, se,
pl, cores, printdetails)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,59 +329,74 @@ <- function(flen, tlen, flist, tlist, data, dta,
method, seedvec, se,
pl, cores, printdetails) {

yname <- BMisc::lhs.vars(formla) ##as.character(
# name of outcome
yname <- BMisc::lhs.vars(formla)

# list to hold results
fatt <- list()

# counter just holds position in the list
counter <- 1

# array to hold influence function
inffunc <- array(data=0, dim=c(flen,tlen,nrow(dta)))

# loop over groups first
for (f in 1:flen) {
##satt <- list()

# loop over time periods
for (t in 1:(tlen-1)) {

# set current period as pre-treatment period (update later)
pret <- t

# set the correct pre-treatment period
if (flist[f]<=tlist[(t+1)]) {
## set an index for the pretreatment period
# set an index for the pretreatment period
# this recovers the right pre-treatment period for this group
pret <- tail(which(tlist < flist[f]),1)

## print a warning message if there are no pre-treatment
## periods
# print a warning message if there are no pre-treatment
# periods
if (length(pret) == 0) {
warning(paste0("There are no pre-treatment periods for the group first treated at ", flist[f]))

## print the details of which iteration we are on
# print the details of which iteration we are on
if (printdetails) {
cat(paste("current period:", tlist[t+1]), "\n")
cat(paste("current group:", flist[f]), "\n")
cat(paste("set pretreatment period to be", tlist[pret]), "\n")

## --------------------------------------------------------
## results for the case with panel data

# results for the case with panel data
if (panel) {
## get dataset with current period and pre-treatment period
# get dataset with current period and pre-treatment period
disdat <- data[(data[,tname]==tlist[t+1] | data[,tname]==tlist[pret]),]
## transform it into "cross-sectional" data where
## one of the columns contains the change in the outcome
## over time

# transform it into "cross-sectional" data where
# one of the columns contains the change in the outcome
# over time
disdat <- panel2cs(disdat, yname, idname, tname)

## set up control group
# set up control group
disdat$C <- 1*(disdat[,] == 0)

## set up for particular treated group
# set up for particular treated group
disdat$G <- 1*(disdat[,] == flist[f])

## drop missing factors
# drop missing factors
disdat <- droplevels(disdat)

## set up xformla in no covariates case
if (is.null(xformla)) {
xformla <- ~1
## # set up xformla in no covariates case
## if (is.null(xformla)) {
## xformla <- ~1
## }

## set up formula for propensity score, estimate it,
## get coefficients and get propensity score
# set up formula for propensity score, estimate it,
# get coefficients and get propensity score
pformla <- xformla

pformla <- BMisc::toformula("G", BMisc::rhs.vars(pformla))
Expand All @@ -355,54 +405,54 @@ <- function(flen, tlen, flist, tlist, data, dta,
data=subset(disdat, C+G==1))
thet <- coef(pscore.reg)

## error handling for too many covariates
# error handling for too many covariates
if (any( {
warning(paste0("Problems estimating propensity score...likely perfectly predicting treatment for group: ", flist[f], " at time period: ", tlist[t+1]))

## estimate propensity score
# estimate propensity score
pscore <- predict(pscore.reg, newdata=disdat, type="response")

## give short names for data in this iteration
# give short names for data in this iteration
G <- disdat$G
C <- disdat$C
dy <- disdat$dy
x <- model.matrix(xformla, data=disdat)
n <- nrow(disdat)

## set up weights
# set up weights
attw1 <- G/mean(G)
attw2a <- pscore*C/(1-pscore)
attw2 <- attw2a/mean(attw2a)
att <- mean((attw1 - attw2)*dy)

## save results for this iteration
# save results for this iteration
fatt[[counter]] <- list(att=att, group=flist[f], year=tlist[(t+1)], post=1*(flist[f]<=tlist[(t+1)]))

## --------------------------------------------
## get the influence function

## weigts
# weigts
wg <- G/mean(G)
wc1 <- C*pscore / (1-pscore)
wc <- wc1 / mean(wc1)

## influence function for treated group
# influence function for treated group
psig <- wg*(dy - mean(wg*dy))

## influence function for control group (see paper)
# influence function for control group (see paper)
M <- as.matrix(apply(as.matrix((C/(1-pscore))^2 * g(x,thet) * (dy - mean(wc*dy)) * x), 2, mean) / mean(wc1))
A1 <- (G + C)*g(x,thet)^2/(pscore*(1-pscore))
A1 <- (t(A1*x)%*%x/n)
A2 <- ((G + C)*(G-pscore)*g(x,thet)/(pscore*(1-pscore)))*x
A <- A2%*%MASS::ginv(A1)
psic <- wc*(dy - mean(wc*dy)) + A%*%M

## save the influnce function as the difference between
## the treated and control influence functions;
## we save this as a 3-dimensional array
## and then process afterwards
# save the influnce function as the difference between
# the treated and control influence functions;
# we save this as a 3-dimensional array
# and then process afterwards
inffunc[f,t,] <- psig - psic
} else {
## --------------------------------------------
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