This package is not meant to handle javascript or html in any way. This package handles database storage and read/writes only.
There are no real limits on what characters can be used in a tag. It uses a slug transform to determine if two tags are identical ("sugar-free" and "Sugar Free" would be treated as the same tag). Tag display names are run through Str::title()
Laravel 5 Documentation
Laravel 4 Documentation
composer require rtconner/laravel-tagging "~1.0.6"
The service provider does not load on every page load, so it should not slow down your app.
'providers' => array(
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Conner\Tagging\TaggingServiceProvider"
php artisan migrate
After these two steps are done, you can edit config/tagging.php with your prefered settings.
class Article extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model {
use \Conner\Tagging\TaggableTrait;
$article->tag('Gardening'); // attach the tag
$article->untag('Cooking'); // remove Cooking tag
$article->untag(); // remove all tags
$article->retag(array('Fruit', 'Fish')); // delete current tags and save new tags
$article->tagged; // return Collection of rows tagged to article
$article->tagNames(); // get array of related tag names
Article::withAnyTag('Gardening, Cooking')->get() // fetch articles with any tag listed
Article::withAnyTag(array('Gardening','Cooking'))->get() // different sytax same result as above
Article::withAllTags('Gardening, Cooking')->get() // only fetch articles with all the tags
Conner\Tagging\Tag::where('count', '>', 2)->get(); // return all tags used more than twice
Article::existingTags(); // return collection of all existing tags on any articles
See config/tagging.php for configuration options.
- Robert Conner -
- 3rd Party Posting on installation with Twitter Bootstrap 2.3 :