A convenience wrapper script for docker run
which sets up an environment for
interaction with the host. It takes care of passing the necessary variables,
sockets, bind mounts and so on.
- Share host's GPU (/dev/dri)
- Share host's X11, PulseAudio and KeePassXC sockets
- Convenience shortcuts to bind host's directories
- Fetches secrets from user's Secret Storage and exports to /run/secrets inside the container.
Usage: spawn [OPTIONS...] <image> [COMMAND [ARGS...]]
-h, --help Show usage information
-n, --dry-run Do not run, only print the resulting command
--using-docker Use docker run (default)
--using-podman Use podman run
--name <name> Set the name of the container
--as-root Pass --user=root to the runner
--user <user> Set user's HOME to /home/<user>
--bind <path> Mount the specified directory inside the container
--bind-home <path> Mount the specified directory as /home/<user>
--with-gpu Share host's GPU (/dev/dri)
--with-x11 Share host's X11 socket and pass Xauthority
--with-pulseaudio Share host's PulseAudio socket and cookie
--with-keepassxc Share host's KeePassXC socket
--with-secret <spec> Export secrets from Secret Storage
--with-certs <name> Export certificates from trust store as <name>
The <spec> argument to '--with-secret' should have the format:
name: attribute value [attribute value]...
The script will lookup a secret matching the specified attribute values using
secret-tool and mount it as the /run/secrets/<name> inside the container. The
colon after the name is optional.