Find and manage duplicate/similar files.
Requires installation of FFMpeg and chromaprint.
pip install git+
Usage: python [-m:mode] [-option:value] [csv path] paths...
-m:scan Scan each path for files, save results to CSV.
-m:keep Update CSV, auto-flagging which files to keep.
-m:reset Clear all 'keep' flags in CSV.
-m:move Move all unflagged files in CSV to first non-CSV path.
-m:recover Return all unflagged files in CSV from first non-CSV path to original location.
-m:clean Cleans up CSV: remove paths that don't exist and groups that are all flagged as 'keep.'
-m:view Open files in CSV with default app, one group at a time (Requires command line interaction).
-m:delete Delete all unflagged files permanently and update CSV.
-m:rmstr Get delete command as string (Prints to stdout).
Options for scan & keep modes:
-x:$ File extensions to exclusively scan, $ is an unspaced, comma-seperated list (ex. jpg,jpeg,mp4).
-i:$ Filenames to ignore/skip, $ is an unspaced, comma-seperated list (ex. .DS_Store,Thumbs.db).
-g:$ Set the file details to group by, $ is an unspaced, comma-seperated list of values:
• name Match on same start of filename
• size Match on file size (within variance range)
• img_hash Match on perceptual hash of still (i.e. visual similarity)
• av_hash Match on perceptual hash of video or audio (i.e. visual/audible similarity)
• av_streams Match by stream layouts (i.e. video/audio size/duration/codec)
• av_dur Match on video/audio duration
-- (Default groups above this line) --
• all Matches every file, placing them all under the same group
• ctime Match on file creation time
• mtime Match on file modified time
• img_type Match on image encoding (ex. JPEG,MPO,HEIF,etc)
• img_size Match on image dimensions (WxH)
• img_frames Match on framecount (For animated images, otherwise 1)
• av_media Match on media type (video or audio)
• av_container Match on audio/video container name
• av_bitrate Match on total bitrate of media (bits/second)
-t:# Match threshold for perceptual hash comparison (As a percentage, with 100 being an exact match).
-p:# Size (precision) of perceptual hashes (As a power of 2, higher values take longer but are more precise).
-vs:# Variance range (# is +/- value in bytes) of file size within group.
-vt:# Variance range (# is +/- value in ms) of created/modified times within group.
-vb:# Variance range (# is +/- value in bytes) of video bitrate within group.
-vd:# Variance range (# is +/- value in seconds) of video duration within group.
-vs:# Variance range (# is +/- value in pixels) of image size (w x h) within group.
-r:$ Path (from paths) to exclusively use when removing files (All files not under this path will be marked to keep).
Other options:
-fc:# For m:clean, remove files with less than this many matching stats.
-fv:# For m:view, filter out groups with less than this many matches.
-v If present, prints every match found (NOTE: All feedback is printed to stderr).
-h Shows you this help text.
If no CSV provided, uses './results.csv'