This creates a test sandbox for ansible. It consist of a control machine, and 4 managed nodes.
A private network is added for networking between VMs. Static IPs are assigned and the IP addresses will depend on the virtualbox Host-Only Etherner Adapter CIDR. In this example, the CIDR is
Provisioning is via Ansible Local. Ansible is first installed on the control VM, then ansible is run on the control VM for provisioning.
- vagrant
- virtualbox
Since this is a test environment in a private network, the vagrant ssh keys are used instead of generating ssh keys. The private keys are mounted on /machines and the ansible_ssh_private_key_file parameter is used in the inventory file
- vagrant ssh master
- ansible -i /vagrant/inventory all -m ping
To use dynamic inventory in Ansible, provision the dynamic.yml playbook on the master VM. It installs cobbler, apache, and dependent packages, donwloads the Ansible contrib files and cobbler.ini, adds cobbler entries, and creates host and group variable files.
Run on master:
ansible-playbook /vagrant/dynamic.yml
ansible -i /etc/ansible/ all -m ping