Please follow the below steps to setup and run education-site-api
- This project requires Java 8 need to be installed.
- Install any Java IDE (Eclipse, STS, Intellij etc..) and ensure you are able to launch
- Clone/Checkout the project from version control system (git) and follow below steps
$ cd education-site-api-main
$ mvn clean install
$ mvn spring-boot:run""
$ Open web browser & hit the swagger url: http://localhost:8080/edu/api/swagger-ui.html
- Clone education-site-api project. (git clone )
- Open eclipse and import this project under (Existing Maven project)
- Java 8
- Spring Boot: 2.1.7.RELEASE
- H2 In-Memory DB
- Swagger2 - For API Local Testing
$ Open Terminal or commandLine window
$ cd <path/to/education-site-api>
$ mvn test""
- Open http://localhost:8080/edu/api/swagger-ui.html
- Click on addCourse/addStudent or any one of the endPoint.
- Click on Try it out and fill the input payload as per the contract.
- Finally Click on Excetue and ensure to see the 200 response with response message.
- Also Open http://localhost:8080/edu/api/h2/ from web browser and click on Connect without password to view the data persisted by this api.