The goal of this project is to build a restaurant portal to provide unified services to metro Atlanta area. After a couple of surveys, a service portal that has the following functions are identified as the first stage of the project.
- User will be able to setup an account with basic personal information
- User will be able to check all order history
- User will be able to navigate and search restaurants by category such as Italian, Asian, Europian, Mexican etc.
- User will be able to place order of dishes online
- User will be able to set delivery address of order that is different from address from the account
- User will be able to set the requested delivery time if needed
- User will be able to cancel the order if there is no dish in the order is not produced yet
- Before the order is placed, user is able to update dishes order by removal or change quantity
- Once the order is placed, user is notified the change of status of order via SMS.
- User will be able to maintain account info
- User will be able to write dish review and recommendations with rating of no star to five stars
- Restaurant will be able to setup restaurant account as well. Once the account is setup, the restaurant will be able to put its menu online. The menu is divided into different categories in general, such as entrée, main dish, sides, desserts, chef’d daily special, populr dishes. The restaurant is also be able to maintain these dishes as needed.
- For the delivery of order, each restaurant might require a min. amount of order value, as well as the delivery fee
- Each dishes the restaurant produces will be posted online, and update with propomotions like special dishes, popular dishes etc.
- After an order is received, the restaurant is able to update dish status such as ordered, in production, delivering.