is an R package for Bayesian design and analysis of randomized experiments (A/B tests). It uses an adaptive design (i.e. optional stopping rules), allowing tests to end as early as possible [5](5).
Two probability models are currently supported:
- Beta binomial model for testing retention/conversion [1](1), [7](7)
- Zero-inflated log-normal model for testing revenue. This model has two stages: modelling spenders vs. non-spenders with a beta-binomial model, and modelling revenue amongst spenders with a lognormal model [3](3).
provides a convenient API to these models, and extends them in several ways:
- Generalized the early stopping rule [5](5) to the Zero-inflated log-normal model
- Uses Monte Carlo integration of the posterior to evaluate stopping rules
- Implements methods for visualizing the prior/posterior distributions
Install the package using devtools:
# install.packages('devtools')
To run a simple test for conversion with a Beta-Binomial model:
beta_binomial_ab_test(y = c(100,115), n = c(1000, 1000)) # flat prior
plot_conversion_prior(expected_conversion_rate = .1, alpha0 = 2) # try tweaking alpha0 to decrase variance
beta_binomial_ab_test(y = c(100,115), n = c(1000, 1000), expected_conversion_rate = .1, alpha0 = 2) # informative prior
To run a test for revenue with a zero-inflated lognormal model:
# Simulate some data from an A/B/C test:
n <- 10000
A_data <- rbinom(n, 1, conversion) * rlnorm(n, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 0.2)
B_data <- rbinom(n, 1, conversion) * rlnorm(n, meanlog = 0.08, sdlog = 0.2)
C_data <- rbinom(n, 1, conversion) * rlnorm(n, meanlog = 0.15, sdlog = 0.2)
data <- data.frame(ab_group = rep(c('A', 'B', 'C'), each = n), ltv = c(A_data, B_data, C_data))
# Plot the priors and run the test:
plot_revenue_prior(expected_conversion_rate = 0.12, alpha0 = 15, expected_revenue_converted_users = 1.5, v0 = 73, k0 = 100, s_sq0 = 1.2) # specify prior
l = lognormal_ab_test(data, expected_conversion_rate = 0.65, alpha0 = 15, expected_revenue_converted_users = 1.5, v0 = 73, k0 = 100, s_sq0 = 1.2)
- A/B/C...N tests: Handle tests with more than two groups using Hierarchical Models. [4](4), [10](10), [11](11) are good references on the topic.
currently allows for more than two groups in a test, but does not take multiple comparisons into account. - Model checking: Add methods for verifying that the probability model good fit for the data. Gelman et al. describe some methods for doing this in [4](4).
- Priors: Add more ways to specify priors.
- Feldman, Sergey. Bayesian A/B Tests
- Feldman, Sergey. Bayesian Analysis of Normal Distributions with Python
- Feldman, Sergey. Bayesian A/B Testing with a Log-Normal Model
- Gelman, Andrew, et al. Bayesian data analysis. Vol. 2. London: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2014
- Stucchio, Chris. Agile A/B testing with Bayesian Statistics and Python
- Davidson-Pilon, Cameron. Bayesian Methods for Hackers on GitHub
- Kula, Maciej. Bayesian AB Testing
- Wulczyn, Ellery. How Naive A/B Testing Goes Wrong
- Stucchio, Chris. The Metrics Manifesto - Why you need an objective function
- Nandi, Manojit. A/B Testing with Hierarchical Models in Python
- Stich, Slater. Use a Hierarchical Model
- Robinson, David. Is Bayesian A/B Testing Immune to Peeking? Not Exactly