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Mason Schneider edited this page Jul 15, 2014 · 1 revision

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Project Info

This project was created in order to help .NET developers using Memcached on ElastiCache by utilizing Auto Discovery in order to remove the issues that occur with configuring the client with server information. The objects we provide are to be seen as IMemcachedClientConfiguration objects that can be passed to Enyim's MemcachedClient. We do not manipulate the usage of Enyim's client nor do we change any of the functionality. The use of Auto Discovery is achieved through providing a modified server pool to the client that dynamically changes its server configuration in a background processes that polls every interval.

How Auto Discovery is Used

To find out how Auto Discovery works visit this page. There you'll find out how an endpoint URL redirects to a node in the cluster. From there you should visit this page to find out how to get information about the cluster from that node connection. In order to achieve this process the ElastiCacheClusterConfig resolves the endpoint URL and then creates a socket connection to that entry. When the connection is established, the Discovery Node object uses one of the operations contained in the solution to send a request for cluster information.