- It is a simple, reliable, fun and creative social network service.
- It is a valuable communication tool with others locally and worldwide, as well as to share, create, and spread information.
- ChatX allows you to share your photos and videos with your friends, families and followers.
- It also provides a chatroom for secure messaging. Multiple chatrooms can be created by a user.
- Users can like and comment on photos and follow other users to add their content to a personal feed.
- Kotlin
- FirebaseAuth (Authentication)
- Firebase Firestore Database (Non-Relational Database)
- Firebase Storage
- Firebase UI: FirebaseRecyclerView
- [:app]
- com.avinash.chatx
- adapters
- ChatAdapter
- ChatroomAdapter
- CommentsAdapter
- FeedAdapter
- SearchAdapter
- auth
- AuthenticationActivity
- LoginFragment
- RegisterFragment
- models
- Chat
- Chatroom
- Comment
- Post
- User
- util
- UserUtil
- ChatFragment
- ChatroomFragment
- CommentsActivity
- CreatePostActivity
- FeedFragment
- MainActivity
- ProfileActivity
- SearchFragment
- res
- drawable
- layout
- menu
- minmap
- values
- Gradle Scripts
- Build.gradle [Project]
- Build.gradle [Module]
- gradle-wrapper.properties
- proguard-rules.pro
- gradle.properties
- settings.gradle
- local.properties