- Sequence of instructions (precise) that we give to a computer to perform a task.
Java(android), C++, Python(AI, ML), JS(Website Building), PHP, etc.
Every language has its role.
Operating System => Android, Linux, Windows, Mac, ios => Written in C/C++ (Kernal => Heart of a OS)
Scientific Computing Tools:- AI/ML {Tensorflow => core written in C/C++ by Google}, Weather forecasting, Biology
Gaming S/W => C/C++ => Because they have to very fast.
Device Drivers => C/C++
Hardware/IoT Programming => C/C++ (Controlling Hardware)
int main()
printf("Hello World"); //Print Formatted on STD O/P Device.
return 0;
int main()
char name[100];
printf("Whats Your Name? ");
scanf("%s", name); //Scan Formatted from STD I/P Device.
printf("\nHello, %s", name);
return 0;
- Prime Number (Core) -> Password/Banking/LogIn => Encryption(Key Concept) => Cryptography
- Sending password in encrypted form from one computer to another computer.
Set of character that are used in C
- UpperCase Alphabets
- LowerCase Alphabets
- Digits
- White Space -> New Line, Tabs
- Special Character +,*,<,>,$,#,!
There are two type of Character Set used generally:
C follows ASCII Character Set Standard Only.
- 0 to 127 => Printable Characters
- 128 to 255 => Non-Printable Characters
Any Character Set ==> Converted (Nummeric form) ==> Binary Representation ==> RAM/DISK (store)
32 Keywords are predefined words in C that we cannot use, they have special meaning.
auto double int struct break else long switch case enum register typedef char extern return union continue for signed void do if static while default goto sizeof volatile const float short unsigned -
Identifiers are the word that we use to make variable name function name and many other things.
In General, Identifier is valid word in C.
Rule for Identifier:
- Alphabets, _(underscore), digits
- First character => Alphabet
- Not Keyword
- Case - Sensitive
- Length of Identifier => Compiler/Implementation
- Older compiler => 8 character
- ANSI C Standard => Most Compiler => 31 character
Some Compilers: GCC, Visual Studio, Borland, Clang, intel, etc.
Primary => void, char, int, float(Single precision real values), double(double precision real values)
- short, long
- signed, unsigned
Secondary => Arrays, Strings, Pointers, Structure, enumerator.
Data Types Range Bytes Format signed char -128 to +127 1 %c unsigned char 0 to 255 1 %c short signed int -32768 to +32767 2 %d short unsigned int 0 to 653535 2 %u signed int -32768 to +32767 2 %d unsigned int 0 to 653535 2 %u long signed int -2147483648 to +2147483647 4 %ld long unsigned int 0 to 4294967295 4 %lu float -3.4e38 to +3.4e38 4 %f double -1.7e308 to +1.7e308 8 %lf long double -1.7e4932 to +1.7e4932 10 %Lf -
The size and ranges of int, short and long are compiler dependent, Sizes in above table are for 16-bit compiler.
- All variables names is identifiers.
- Every variable should have a datatypes.
- Declaration: Stating that a variable exists. for e.g, int a;
- Always declare before using variable otherwise compiler will through a error.
- Typically, We should use camelCase to represent a variable name.
- Initialization: Storing some value during declaration. for e.g, int a = 19;
Do not change throughout of the program. for e.g, const int a = 5;
Types of constant: char, string, integer, real-valued
Data Types Example int int a = 10; char char name = 'a' string char name[10] = "avinash" real-valued float: 1.2F or 1.2f, 1.2e5, long: 1.2L or 1.2l -
Decimal System: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 => Base 10
1 2 3 x x x 10^2 10^1 10^0 100 +20 +3 => 123(Decimal)
Octal System: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 => Base 8 => int a = 012;
0 1 2 - x x - 8^1 8^0 - 8 +2 => 10(Decimal)
Hexa-Decimal System: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f => Base 16 => int a = 0x12;
0 x 1 2 - - x x - - 16^1 16^0 - - 16 +2 => 18(Decimal)
Symbolic Constant: #define PI 3.14 => Macro
#include <stdio.h> => Including Header file where some of the key information of printf and scanf how they work is stored in stdio.h header file.
Escape Sequence:
scanf can take input multiple variables value in single line of code.
Integers: scanf("%2d %3d", &a, &b); //Formatted Input
a: read only first 2 digits b: read only first 3 digits Case 1: 6, 39 => a = 6 b = 39 Case 2: 12, 123 => a = 12 b = 123 Case 3: 123, 1234 => a = 12 b = 3 Case 4: 12, 1234 => a = 12 b = 123
Integers: printf("a = %4d, b = %3d", a, b); //Formatted Output
a: print atmost(Minimum no. of digit) 4 digits b: print atmost(Minimum no. of digit) 3 digits Case 1: a = 12, b = 14 => a = _ _ _ _, b = _ _ _ _ => a = __12, b = _14 Case 2: a = 12345, b = 123456 => a = 12345, b = 123456
float: scanf("%3f %4f", &a, &b); //Formatted Input
a: read only first 2 digits(Maximum no. of digits) b: read only first 3 digits(Maximum no. of digits) Case 1: 5, 5.9 => a = 5.0 b = 5.9 Case 2: 5.1, 1.23 => a = 5.1 b = 1.23 Case 3: 1.23, 4.5678 => a = 1.2 b = 3.0
float: printf("a = %4.1f, b = %7.2f", a, b); //Formatted Output
a: print atmost(Minimum no. of digit) 4 digits b: print atmost(Minimum no. of digit) 7 digits Case 1: a = 8.0, b = 5.9 => a = _ _ _ _, b = _ _ _ _ _ _ _=> a = _8.0, b = ___5.90 Case 2: a = 15.231, b = 65.12345 => a = 15.2, b = __65.12
Strings: char str[10] = "abcdef";
- Input:
Case 1: scanf("%s", str); => abcdef\0 -> str Case 2: scanf("%3s", str); => abc\0 -> str
- Output:
Case 1: printf("%3s", "abcdef"); -> abcdef Case 2: printf("%5s", "abcdef"); -> ___ab Case 3: printf("%.3s", "abcdef"); -> abc Case 4: printf("%8.3s", "abcdef"); -> _____abc
- Input:
Suppresssion Character:
scanf("%d%*d%d", &a, &b, &c); I/P: 25, 30, 35 => O/P: a = 25, b = 35, c = garbage value
variable c will suppressed so, nothing is stored
getchar() & putchar()
char c; printf("Enter a char: "); c = getchar(); //scanf("%c", &c); putchar(c); //printf("Value you entered : %c", c);
Unary Operator: Operating on one data_type
Binary Operator: Operating on two data_type(same or other)
- NOTE: int divided by int result is also int
- There is no any modulo operation in floating point number, No sense to get remainder in floating point number.
Assigment Operator: for e.g, int x = 5;
Increment / Decrement Operator
Consider the following C Program: #include<stdio.h> int main() { int m = 10; int n, n1; n = ++m; n1 = m++; n--; --n1; n -= n1; printf("%d", n); return 0; }
Relational Operators: In C, Every non-zero value is considered as 1(true) & Zero as 0(false).
Logical Operators:
Expressions that use logical operators return 0 for false & 1 for true:
Operator Meaning && AND || OR ! NOT -
The truth table for logical operators is shown below:
A B A&&B A || B !A 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
Comma Operator
``` #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int a, b, c, sum; sum = (a = 8, b = 7, c = 9, a + b + c); printf("Sum = %d\n", sum); return 0; } ```
Ternary Operator
sizeof operator: Unary Operator
Operator | Associativity | Precedence | |
() | Function Call | Left-to-Right | Highest 14 |
[] | Array Subscript | Left-to-Right | Highest 14 |
. | Dot (Member of Structure) | Left-to-Right | Highest 14 |
-> | Arrow (Member of Structure) | Left-to-Right | Highest 14 |
! | Logical NOT | Right-to-Left | Highest 13 |
~ | one's complement | Right-to-Left | Highest 13 |
- | Unary minus(Negation) | Right-to-Left | Highest 13 |
++ | Increment | Right-to-Left | Highest 13 |
-- | Decrement | Right-to-Left | Highest 13 |
& | Address-of | Right-to-Left | Highest 13 |
* | Indirection | Right-to-Left | Highest 13 |
(type) | cast | Right-to-Left | Highest 13 |
sizeof | sizeof | Right-to-Left | Highest 13 |
* | Multiplication | Left-to-Right | Highest 12 |
/ | Division | Left-to-Right | Highest 12 |
% | Modulo (Remainder) | Left-to-Right | Highest 12 |
+ | Addition | Left-to-Right | Highest 11 |
- | Subtraction | Left-to-Right | Highest 11 |
<< | Left-Shift | Left-to-Right | Highest 10 |
>> | Right-Shift | Left-to-Right | Highest 10 |
< | Less than | Left-to-Right | Highest 8 |
<= | Less than or equal | Left-to-Right | Highest 8 |
> | Greater than | Left-to-Right | Highest 8 |
>= | Greater than or equal | Left-to-Right | Highest 8 |
== | Equal to | Left-to-Right | Highest 8 |
!= | Not Equal | Left-to-Right | Highest 8 |
& | Bitwise AND | Left-to-Right | Highest 7 |
^ | Bitwise XOR | Left-to-Right | Highest 6 |
| | Bitwise OR | Left-to-Right | Highest 5 |
&& | Logical AND | Left-to-Right | Highest 4 |
|| | Logical OR | Left-to-Right | Highest 3 |
? : | Conditional | Right-to-Left | Highest 2 |
=, +=, *=, etc | Assignment Operator | Right-to-Left | Highest 1 |
, | Comma | Left-to-Right | Lowest 0 |
It is an Unary Operator.
Order of Type Casting based on number of bytes required for a data-type is below:
Automatic Type Conversion Order: Promotion/Demotion: long double, double, float, long int, int, char for e.g, long int l = 2L + 3 = 5L
"Reliable & Readablity of Code": Strongly Recommended Explicitly Type Casting
int x = 20, y = 3; float z = x/y; // z = 6.0 => Implicit/Automatic Conversion float z = (float)x/y; // z = 20.0/3 => 6.666666
Operations on Bitwise Operators:
- Bitwise AND
- Bitwise OR
- Bitwise XOR
- Bitwise Left-shift (<<)
- Bitwise Right-shift (>>)
Truth Table:
A B A&B A | B A^B 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Control statements are used to change the order of execution.
if-else/if-else-if/else-if-ladder: Choose between one & another and more.
if(<condition>){ ---; ---; } else if(<condition>){ ---; ---; } else{ ---; ---; } //We can have "if" without "else" also.
while loop:
while(<condition>){ ---; ---; };
do-while loop: Body will run atleast 1 time.
do{ ---; ---; }while(<condition>);
for loop: To run a loop n number of times (n is known).
for(initialization; condition; updation) { ---; ---; }
Nested loop:
if(){ if(){ } else{ } } for(i = 1; i <= 5; i++) //Outer Loop { for(j = 1; j <= 3; j++) //Inner Loop { printf("%d %d", i, j); } }
Infinite loop: Continuously run without termination.
for(;;) { printf("Hi"); } while(1) { printf("Hi"); } int i = 1; while(i <= 5); { printf("Hi"); }
- Don't use != & == in float during while loop
- break & continue only breaks & continues out the inner loop it is the part of.
- Forward Jump/goto & Backward Jump/goto
- goto label;
- label: //identifier
- goto can jump only within a function
- try to avoid the use of goto in program
- In very deep nested loop , goto is really good application here.
- goto need 1 statement after label_identifier
- Expression of switch is evaluated to only int/char/short/long
- case value must be integer/character constant
- switch expression does not allow for floating point number.