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If you have used lock-passwordless in the past, a migration guide to Lock with Passwordless Mode is available here. If you have any issues, please reach out to our amazing support team at

Lock Passwordless

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Auth0 Lock Passwordless is a professional looking dialog that allows users to log in by receiving a one-time password via email or text message. It also supports social providers.

This library has been designed to work in a browser. Lock libraries for iOS and Android which support passwordless authentication are also available.

Legacy Grants

We're working to join lock and lock-passwordless in the same project so we can move faster with both projects. In the mean time, new customers using lock-passwordless outside of the Hosted Login Page will see an authorization error about unallowed claims. To fix this, you either start using the Hosted Login Page or you'll have to enable those grants manually in your client. More info here:


You can try it out yourself online at the playground.


To send a one-time password via text message you initialize a new Auth0LockPasswordless object and invoke the sms method.

var domain = "";
document.getElementById("loginButton").onclick = function(e) {
  var lock = new Auth0LockPasswordless(clientID, domain);
  lock.sms(function(error, profile, id_token) {
    // This will be invoked when the user enters the one-time password he or she
    // received via text message. Here we just welcome the user, but usually you
    // want save the profile and id_token, and handle errors.
    if (!error) {
      alert("Hi " +;

You can also send the user a magic link by invoking the magiclink method instead.

var domain = "";
document.getElementById("loginButton").onclick = function(e) {
  var lock = new Auth0LockPasswordless(clientID, domain);

Once the user receives the email and clicks on this link, Auth0 will handle the authentication and redirect back to the application with the token as the hash location. You can parse the hash and retrieve the full user profile.

// parse hash on page load
  var hash = lock.parseHash(window.location.hash);

  if (hash && hash.error) {
    alert('There was an error: ' + hash.error + '\n' + hash.error_description);
  } else if (hash && hash.id_token) {
    //use id_token for retrieving profile.
    localStorage.setItem('id_token', hash.id_token);
    //retrieve profile
    lock.getProfile(hash.id_token, function (err, profile) {
      if (err){
        //handle err
      } else {
        //use user profile


You can obtain Lock Passwordless from our CDN, from bower or from npm.


<!-- Latest minor release -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Latest patch release (recommended for production) -->
<script src=""></script>


bower install auth0-lock-passwordless
<script src="bower_components/auth0-lock-passwordless/build/lock-passwordless.min.js"></script>


npm install --save auth0-lock-passwordless

After installing the auth0-lock-passwordless module, you'll need bundle it up. We have examples for browserify and webpack.

Finally, if you are targeting mobile audiences, it's recommended that you add:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0"/>


new Auth0LockPasswordless(clientID, domain)

Initializes a new instance of Auth0LockPasswordless configured with your application clientID and your account's domain at Auth0.

  • clientID {String}: Your application clientID in Auth0.
  • domain {String}: Your Auth0 domain. Usually

You can find this information at your application settings.


var domain = "";
var lock = new Auth0LockPasswordless(clientID, domain);

.magiclink(options, callback)

Opens a dialog that asks the user for an email address. Once entered, it will send an email containing a magic link that allows the user to log in automatically.

  • options {Object}: Allows to customize the dialog's appearance and behavior. See below for the details.
  • callback {Function}: Will be invoked after an attempt to send the the email has been made. In case of success it will receive the entered email address.


// invoke magiclink without options or callback

// invoke magiclink with an option that prevents the user from closing the
// dialog
lock.magiclink({closable: false});

// invoke magiclink with a callback function that displays an alert when the
// email has been sent.
lock.magiclink(function(error, email) {
  if (!error) {
    alert("A magic link has been sent to " + email);

// invoke magiclink with options and callback
lock.magiclink({closable: false}, function(error, email) {
  if (!error) {
    alert("A magic link has been sent to " + email);

.emailcode(options, callback)

Opens a dialog that asks the user for an email address. Then, it will ask for a code that has been sent in an email to the given address. The code will be used as a one-time password to log in.

  • options {Object}: Allows to customize the dialog's appearance and behavior. See below for the details.
  • callback {Function}: Will be invoked after an attempt to log the user in has been made.


// invoke emailcode without options or callback

// invoke emailcode with an option that prevents the user from closing the
// dialog
lock.emailcode({closable: false});

// invoke emailcode with a callback function that displays an alert when the
// user has logged in.
lock.emailcode(function(error, profile, id_token, access_token, state, refresh_token) {
  if (!error) {
    alert("User has logged in");

// invoke emailcode with options and callback
lock.emailcode({closable: false}, function(error, profile, id_token, access_token, state, refresh_token) {
  if (!error) {
    alert("User has logged in");

// invoke emailcode in redirect mode
lock.emailcode({callbackURL: "http://mydomain/callback"});

.sms(options, callback)

Opens a dialog that asks the user for a phone number. Then, it will ask for a code that has been sent in a text message to the given number. The code will be used as a one-time password to log in.

  • options {Object}: Allows to customize the dialog's appearance and behavior. See below for the details.
  • callback {Function}: Will be invoked after an attempt to log the user in has been made.


// invoke sms without options or callback

// invoke sms with an option that prevents the user from closing the dialog
lock.sms({closable: false});

// invoke sms with a callback function that displays an alert when the user has
// logged in.
lock.sms(function(error, profile, id_token, access_token, state, refresh_token) {
  if (!error) {
    alert("User has logged in");

// invoke sms with options and callback
lock.sms({closable: false}, function(error, profile, id_token, access_token, state, refresh_token) {
  if (!error) {
    alert("User has logged in");

// invoke sms in redirect mode
lock.sms({callbackURL: "http://mydomain/callback"});

.social(options, callback)

Opens a dialog with buttons to authenticate with the specified social providers.

  • options {Object}: Allows to customize the dialog's appearance and behavior. The connections options must always be present. See below for the details.
  • callback {Function}: Will be invoked only in popup mode which is discouraged. See below for the caveats.


// invoke social allowing to authenticate with Facebook and Twitter.{
  connections: ["facebook", "twitter"]

.socialOrMagiclink(options, callback)

Opens a dialog that is a combination of social and magiclink. It will display buttons to authenticate with the specified social providers and at the same time will ask the user for an email address. When the email address is entered, it will send an email containing a magic link that allows the user to log in automatically.

  • options {Object}: Allows to customize the dialog's appearance and behavior. The connections options must always be present. See below for the details.
  • callback {Function}: Will be invoked only in popup mode which is discouraged. See below for the caveats.


// invoke socialOrMagiclink allowing to authenticate with Facebook and Twitter.
  connections: ["facebook", "twitter"]

.socialOrEmailcode(options, callback)

Opens a dialog that is a combination of social and emailcode. It will display buttons to authenticate with the specified social providers and at the same time will ask the user for an email address. When the email address is entered, it will send a code that serves as a one-time password to log in.

  • options {Object}: Allows to customize the dialog's appearance and behavior. The connections options must always be present. See below for the details.
  • callback {Function}: Will be invoked only in popup mode which is discouraged. See below for the caveats.


// invoke socialOrEmailcode allowing to authenticate with Facebook and Twitter.
  connections: ["facebook", "twitter"]

.socialOrSms(options, callback)

Opens a dialog that is a combination of social and sms. It will display buttons to authenticate with the specified social providers and at the same time will ask the user for a phone number. When the phone number is entered, it will send the code in a text message that serves as a one-time password to log in.

  • options {Object}: Allows to customize the dialog's appearance and behavior. The connections options must always be present. See below for the details.
  • callback {Function}: Will be invoked only in popup mode which is discouraged. See below for the caveats.


// invoke socialOrSms specifying that buttons to authenticate with Facebook and
// Twitter should be displayed.
  connections: ["facebook", "twitter"]


Closes the dialog.

  • callback {Function}: Will be invoked after the lock has been closed with no arguments.


// invoke close without a callback

// invoke close with a callback
lock.close(function() {
  alert("The Lock has been closed");


Removes the Lock from the DOM frees its resources. Once destroyed a Lock can't be opened.



.getProfile(token, callback)

Fetches the full user profile.

  • token {String}: User id token.
  • callback {Function}: Will be invoked after the user profile been retrieved.


lock.getProfile(id_token, function(error, profile) {
  if (!error) {
    alert("hello " +;


Log out an user.

  • query {String}: Query parameters that will be send with the request to log the user out.


Parses the hash containing access_token and id_token appended by Auth0 to the URL in redirect mode.

  • hash {string}: Hash appended by Auth0 to the URL in redirect mode.




// invoke logout without query parameters

// invoke logout with query parameters
lock.logout({ref: window.location.href});


The appearance of the widget and the mechanics of authentication can be customized with an options object which has one or more of the following properties. Each method that opens the dialog can take an options object as its first argument.

UI options

  • autoclose {Boolean}: Determines whether or not the Lock will be closed automatically after a successful sign in. If the Lock is not closable it won't be closed even if this option is set to true. Defaults to false.
  • connections {Array}: List of social providers that will be available to perform the authentication. Most of the time you will specify a provider with the connection name, e.g. facebook. When the connection's name and strategy don't match, you'll need to provide an object with those properties, e.g. {name: "my-connection", strategy: "facebook"}. This option doesn't have a default value and must be specified when opening the Lock with a method that provides social authentication.
  • container {String}: The id of the html element where the Lock will be rendered. This makes the Lock appear inline instead of in a modal window.
  • dict {Object}: Allows to customize every piece of text displayed in the Lock. Defaults to {}. See below Dict Specification for the details.
  • icon {String}: Url for an image that will be placed in the Lock's header. Defaults to Auth0's logo.
  • closable {Boolean}: Determines whether or not the Lock can be closed. When a container option is provided its value is always false, otherwise it defaults to true.
  • defaultLocation {String}: ISO country code of the country that will be selected by default when entering a phone number. Defaults to the country the user is in and fallback to "US" when it can't be obtained.
  • focusInput {Boolean}: Determines whether or not the first input on the screen, that is the email or phone number input, should have focus when the Lock is displayed. Defaults to false when a container option is provided or the Lock is being render on a mobile device. Otherwise it defaults to true.
  • gravatar {Boolean}: Determines whether or not Gravatar images and user names should be displayed on the Lock's header once an email has been entered. Defaults to true.
  • popup {Boolean}: Determines whether or not a popup is shown when authenticating with a social provider. Defaults to false and passing true is discouraged. See below for more information.
  • popupOptions {Object}: Allows to customize the location of the popup in the screen. Any position and size feature allowed by is accepted. Defaults to {}.
  • primaryColor {String}: Defines the primary color of the Lock, all colors used in the widget will be calculated from it. This option is useful when providing a custom icon to ensure all colors go well together with the icon's color palette. Defaults to "#ea5323".
  • rememberLastLogin {Boolean}: Determines whether or not the email or the phone number will be filled automatically with the one you used the last time. Defaults to true.
  • socialBigButtons {Boolean}: Determines the size of the buttons for the social providers specified in the connections option. It defaults to true when the connections option contains at most tree providers, otherwise it defaults to false.

Authentication options

  • authParams {Object}: Specifies extra parameters that will be sent when starting a login. Defaults to {}.
  • callbackURL {String}: The url Auth0 will redirect back after authentication. When provided it will enable redirect mode. Defaults to the empty string "" (no callback URL).
  • forceJSONP {Boolean}: Force JSONP requests for all requests to Auth0. This setup is useful when no CORS allowed. Defaults to false.
  • responseType {String}: Should be set to "token" for Single Page Applications, and "code" otherwise. Defaults to "code" when callbackURL is provided, and to "token" otherwise.

Other options

  • disableWarnings {Boolean}: Determines whether or not warning messages will be output to the browser's console. Defaults to false.


var options = {
  container: "myContainer",
  icon: "/path/to/my/icon.png",
  closable: false,
  dict: {title: "My Company"},
  focusInput: false,
  gravatar: false

Dict Specification

A dict, short for dictionary, is an object that contains every piece of text the Lock needs to display. Different textual components are needed depending on what method you called to open the Lock. The following is an example of the dict used when the Lock is opened with the emailcode method:

  code: {
    codeInputPlaceholder: "Your code",
    footerText: "",
    headerText: "Please check your email ({email})<br />You've received a message from us<br />with your passcode."
  confirmation: {
    success: "Thanks for signing in."
  email: {
    emailInputPlaceholder: "[email protected]",
    footerText: "",
    headerText: "Enter your email to sign in or sign up."
  title: "Auth0",
  welcome: "Welcome {name}!"

When you open the Lock with emailcode or any other method available, you can override any value by providing a dict option.

  email: {
    footerText: "You must agree to our <a href='/terms' target='_new'>terms of service</a>"
  title: "My Company"

The previous code will change the title displayed in the header and will display a footer when the Lock is asking the user for the email.

As you can see from the examples, some keys are namespaced inside another object and some are not. In the first case, they are only used in a given screen, while in the latter can be used from any screen. Also, most of the values accept HTML tags. The exception are the the ones used as input placeholders. Finally, some strings can be interpolated, which means that they contain a placeholder which will be replaced before being displayed. For instance:

  code: {
    headerText: "The code has been sent to {email}"

Will cause the Lock to show the message "The code has been sent to [email protected]" when asking for the verification code to a user that entered the email "[email protected]".

You can check the source code to see the actual dictionaries used by the Lock.

Popup mode

A popup window can be displayed instead of redirecting the user to a social provider website. While this has the advantage of preserving page state, it has some issues. Often times users have popup blockers that prevent the login page from even displaying. There are also known issues with mobile browsers. For example, in recent versions of Chrome on iOS, the login popup does not get closed properly after login. For these reasons, we encourage developers to avoid this mode, even with Single Page Apps.

If you nevertheless decide to use it, you can activate popup mode by passing the option popup: true when calling social, socialOrMagiclink, socialOrEmailcode, or socialOrSms. A callback will be invoked with the usual arguments as the following example shows.{
  connections: ["facebook", "twitter"],
  popup: true
}, function(error, profile, id_token, access_token, state, refresh_token) {
  if (!error) {
    alert("User has logged in");

More information can be found in Auth0's documentation.

Callbacks and Errors

As a rule of thumb, all callbacks passed to a method that opens the Lock are invoked when the job of the Lock can be considered done. The first argument of the callback is reserved for an error object. If an error occurred, the callback will be invoked with just the error object. If no error occurred, the callback will be invoked with null as the first argument, followed by any number of arguments it needs.

All error objects have an error and a description property. The first will contain a synthetic code used to identify the error, and the later will contain a more readable description. They may contain other useful properties according to the situation.

See each method's documentation for the specifics.

Browser Compatibility

We ensure browser compatibility in Chrome, Safari, Firefox and IE >= 10. We currently use zuul along with Saucelabs to run integration tests on each push.


Clone the repo and run the following commands:

npm install
npm start

Changes to the source code will be automatically rebuilt. To see the result, point your favorite browser to http://localhost:3000/playground/.

However, testing changes that way can be cumbersome because there are HTTP request involved which are being rate-limited. If your changes are scoped to the UI, you will be better off running:

npm run design

And pointing your browser to http://localhost:3000/design/. It behaves just like npm start but requests to the Auth0 API will be simulated.

Running the tests

Tests can be run in PhantomJS or in a web browser with the following commands:

npm run test:phantom
npm run test:browser

Releasing a new version

Whenever a new commit is pushed to master, the CI will attempt to deploy a new release to Github and npm if the tests pass and there isn't already a release for the version specified in the package.json file. See bin/deploy for the details.

There is also a convenient script to prepare a new release:

bin/version {patch,minor,major}

Issue Reporting

If you have found a bug or if you have a feature request, please report them at this repository issues section. Please do not report security vulnerabilities on the public GitHub issue tracker. The Responsible Disclosure Program details the procedure for disclosing security issues.




This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.