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Evaluation process

Rémy Greinhofer edited this page Aug 25, 2019 · 3 revisions

This page aims at collecting information about the workflow of evaluating and creating data sets in order to standardize the process.



Use GeoJSON (or maybe GeoPackage ❓) (


Always mention the source, provide a URL to retrieve the data set programmatically. If for some reason the data cannot downloaded programmatically, provided step by step instructions.

Relevant data

  • Create a table containing the relevant data
  • The first line must contain the number of entries
  • Other lines must describe the pertinent fields
    • Highlight specificities if any


Property Description
entry count 447820
building building type (OSM Key:building)
geometry shape of a building (Note that OSM allows multipolygon structures)

Extra findings

Cover what makes the rest of the data set good or bad, and explain why.

Sample data

Provide a sample of the data with at least one full entry.

Try to always focus on the same building to simplify the comparison between the data sets. In our case we are focusing on the Sabina property, 3400 Harmon Avenue, Austin, TX, 78705.

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