The appendix is available in appendix.pdf
as part of this package (outside the VM). It contains proof details, additional typing rules, and experimental details.
Raw data is available under the data
folder as part of this package (outside the VM).
It should contain a version of every file that will be generated while reproducing the experiments, for comparison:
contains the raw data on how long each benchmark takes to run.run_time_relative.csv
contains data on how long each benchmark takes to run using different configurations compared to the configuration with dynamic checks.run_time_relative.pdf
is the graph of the relative run time data.sizes.csv
contains the binary sizes of all of the benchmarks.validation_time.csv
contains raw data on how long it takes to typecheck each benchmark using wasm-tools.compile_time.csv
contains raw data on how long it takes to compile each benchmark using wasmtime.
- The
folder contains our implementation of wasm-prechk on top of wasmtime. It is also modified not to use any memory guard pages. - The
folder contains the configuration of wasmtime modified to produce no dynamic checks. - The
folder contains the unmodified version of wasmtime. - The
folder contains our implementation of the wasm-prechk parser and typechecker. - The
folder contains our redex model of wasm-prechk. - The
folder contains the benchmark suite, including scripts to generate the evaluation data, the version of wasm modules with annotations and manual checks added for each benchmark, and the unmodified wasm modules for each benchmark.
All of the software artifacts, and the data and dockerfile, are available via git. For the software artifacts, the tags below show the versions used to originally run the experiments. For the data and dockerfile, the tag is the version this package was based on, but later versions may contain bug fixes, or support new platforms, check out release notes on newer releases for more information.
- Our instrumented version of
is available at, the version here is tagprechk-v1.0
. no_checks
is available at, the version here is tagno-checks-v1.0
- What we call
corresponds to wasmtime version 5.0.0, it is available at - Our instrumented version of
is available at, the version here is tagprechk-v1.0
. - Our annotated PolyBenchC benchmarks are available at, the version here is tag
. - The redex model
is available at, the version here is tagprechk-v1.2
. - Finally, this readme and the docker files are available at, the version here is tag
, but newer versions may contain better support for running the above artifacts.
The VM image is available on Zenodo.
The folders run_time
, compile_time
, and validation_time
must be present in ~/PolybenchC-4.2.1
for the scripts to work.
The VM/Docker image have these folders present.
Use Dockerfile and compose.yaml, included as part of this artifact.
The files POPL2024Artifact-IndexedTypesforaStaticallySafeWebAssembly-disk001.vmdk
and POPL 2024 Artifact - Indexed Types for a Statically Safe WebAssembly.ovf
provide a VM image for VirtualBox, they are available as part of this package, they can be built from the dockerfile (see below), and they are accessible through zenodo:
Alternatively, run
to build a new image. This builds the VirtualBox image from the Docker image, and so requires a Docker.
The artifact should work on any ubuntu:jammy machine (including a fresh virtual machine image), full installation instructions are provided below.
All software artifacts are available as part of this package. It's important to make sure these go into the right directories, so make sure you start in your local home directory ~
when running these commands.
The appendix is available in appendix.pdf
, and raw data is available under the data
folder in this package.
Known to work with at least Docker version 4.22
- Build the dockerfile provided with this package using
docker-compose build
(this will likely take a while, around half an hour, especially on less beefy machines). - Run the docker image interactively using
docker-compose run wasm-prechk
Known to work with at least VirtualBox 7.0.10
- Import
POPL 2024 Artifact - Indexed Types for a Statically Safe WebAssembly.ovf
into VirtualBox using "Import Appliance". - Start the virtual machine, and login using username
and passwordroot
.- The root password can be changed by modifying the
script when generating the image.
- The root password can be changed by modifying the
First, we list the necessary requirements, then we provide instructions for how to install them on an Ubuntu machine.
- Standard development libraries (see below command for a full list)
version 4.12.1cargo
version nightly-2023-03-31-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnuhyperfine
, along with the following packages:numpy
, anduncertainties
Full instructions:
- Install dependencies
apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install \
cmake \
build-essential \
make \
curl \
default-jdk \
python3 \
python3-pip \
python3-setuptools \
python-is-python3 \
sudo \
locales \
wget \
unzip \
git \
libgtk-4-dev \
llvm-dev \
libclang-dev \
clang \
hyperfine \
racket \
- Install z3
cp ./z3-4.12.1-x64-glibc-2.35/bin/z3 /usr/bin/z3
cp ./z3-4.12.1-x64-glibc-2.35/bin/ /usr/lib/
cp ./z3-4.12.1-x64-glibc-2.35/bin/libz3.a /usr/lib/libz3.a
cp ./z3-4.12.1-x64-glibc-2.35/include/z3* /usr/include/
Afterwards, running z3 --version
should return the correct version number
- Install cargo
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf > /
chmod +x /
/ -y --profile minimal --default-toolchain nightly-2023-03-31-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Afterwards, running rustup toolchain list should the relevant toolchain.
You may need to add cargo to your path. Try cargo --version
, and add cargo to your path if it fails.
- Install Python dependencies
pip install numpy scipy pandas matplotlib uncertainties
- Copy sources
Make sure to place the following folders in your root directory, ~
- wasmtime
- no_checks
- vmguards
- wasm-tools
- PolyBenchC-4.2.1
The folder wasm-prechk can be used from anywhere on your machine.
- (OPTIONAL) Download sources from github instead
It's important to make sure these go into the right directories, so make sure you start in your local home directory ~ when running these commands.
git clone --recursive --depth 1 --branch prechk-v1.0 wasmtime
git clone --recursive --depth 1 --branch no-checks-v1.0 no_checks
git clone --recursive --depth 1 --branch v5.0.0 vmguards
git clone --recursive --depth 1 --branch prechk-v1.0 wasm-tools
git clone --recursive --depth 1 --branch prechk-v1.1 PolyBenchC-4.2.1
git clone --recurse-submodules --recursive --depth 1 --branch prechk-v1.2 wasm-prechk
- Build sources
Run the following command
cargo +nightly-2023-03-31-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu build --release
inside each of the following directories:
To sanity check that the pre-loaded software artifacts work properly, try running the following commands (from within the VM/Docker image):
~/wasmtime/target/release/wasmtime --version
~/vmguards/target/release/wasmtime --version
~/no_checks/target/release/wasmtime --version
They should all succeed.
To ensure the redex model works properly, run raco test
from inside the redex model folder (~/wasm-prechk
), it should succeed silently.
To typecheck a wasm module, you can use our implementation of wasm-tools: ~/wasm-tools/target/release/wasm-tools validate <wasm file>
Evaluation instructions for each claim are inlined in the list of claims.
Each of the following usage instructions are from within the VM/Docker image/locally.
To use our implementation of wasm-prechk, you can invoke ~/wasmtime/target/release/wasmtime <wasm file>
, where <wasm file>
is a wasm module in text or binary format.
Alternatively, you can precompile wasm code using ~/wasmtime/target/release/wasmtime --allow-precompiled <wasm file> -o <output file name>.cwasm
, and then execute the precompiled code using ~/wasmtime/target/release/wasmtime --allow-precompiled <output file name>.cwasm
The proof is available in the appendix starting on line 707. Section B1 of the appendix generally contains definitions and theorems/lemmas related to embedding.
The proof is available in the appendix starting on line 1780. Section B2 of the appendix generally contains definitions and theorems/lemmas related to erasure.
The proof is available in the appendix starting on line 1592 (note that the lemma in the appendix, lemma 5, has a different name).
The proof is available in the paper.
The proof is available in the appendix starting on line 2553 (note that the lemma in the appendix, lemma 18, has a different name). Sections C1 and C2 of the appendix generally contains definitions and theorems/lemmas related to erasure.
The proof is available in the appendix starting on line 2576.
The proof is available in the appendix starting on line 4011. Sections C1 and C3 of the appendix generally contains definitions and theorems/lemmas related to erasure.
The proof is available in the appendix starting on line 4081.
Our implementation of Wasm-prechk within Wasmtime is available in ~/wasmtime
You can test it on the example program tests/wasm-prechk/bubblesort_stripped.wat
, which implements a prechecked version of bubblesort, compiled from C, within Wasm-prechk.
The implementation is also used for the claims within the evaluation.
In section 5.3, we describe how our redex model encodes constraints on call_indirect
The redex model is available in ~/wasm-prechk
The implementation of validation of safe call_indirect
is in the TableValidation.rkt
file, and the usage can be seen in the judgement rule for call_indirect
in the IndexTypingRules.rkt
An example test case in Tests/IndexTableTest.rkt
demonstrates the ability of the implementation to typecheck a safe call_indirect instruction.
The benchmarks can be viewed under ~/PolybenchC-4.2.1
A full list of the benchmarks and their C source files is available in utilities/annotated_benchmark_list
Then, the two versions of the benchmarks (unchanged and annotated), can be looked at from there.
For example, the first entry, ./datamining/correlation/correlation.c
, will have ./datamining/correlation/correlation_plain.wat
, the unchanged version, and ./datamining/correlation/correlation_prechk.wat
, the annotated version.
Figure 6 shows a relative run-time performance comparison between several configurations of wasmtime. The comparison shows that our implementation, Wasm-prechk, gets an average speedup of 1.71x over wasm with only dynamic checks (line 965), and that wasm-no_checks, an unsafe version that disables all checks, gets an average speedup of 1.76x (line 960). Below are instructions to generate the raw data and graph, but first, some important notes.
- The results may fluctuate, especially for shorter lived benchmarks. The specs of the machine we used to run the benchmark, as well as various other environmental factors, can be found in the paper.
- In case running all the benchmarks at once is an issue, modified instructions are provided to run the benchmarks in arbitrary pieces.
The file ~/PolybenchC-4.2.1/utilities/annotated_benchmarks
contains the list of benchmarks that will be run. By default, it includes all the benchmarks. To avoid running a benchmark (or several), simply delete them from the file. It is recommended to first make a back-up of the file before modifying it.
To run the entire benchmark suite in pieces, following the instructions below, but before step 4, move the newly produced run_time.csv
to a new file run_time<n>.csv
. Rinse and repeat until all of the benchmarks have been run. Then combine the data in the various run_time<n>.csv
files, making sure that the header only appears once at the top. Finally, continue onto step 4 and beyond (only once).
The folder run_time
must be present in ~/PolybenchC-4.2.1
for the scripts to work.
It is recommended to delete/rename run_time.csv
and run_time_relative.csv
each time before re-running the script.
- Navigate to
. - Invoke the script that will measure the run-times
. This will probably take a few hours to complete (it took about 4 hours on the machine we used, the specs of which can be found in the paper, lines 952-957). - The raw data is now available in
. - Use
python3 ./utilities/
to generate the relative data inrun_time_relative.csv
. This should execute very quickly. - Finally, use
python3 ./utilities/
to generate the graph. The graph will then be available as an pdf:run_time_relative.pdf
. This should execute very quickly.
Note: In run_time.csv
, mean1
and sem1
correspond to Wasm-prechk, mean2
and sem2
to wasm_no_checks, mean3
and sem3
to wasm with dynamic checks (wasm_dyn), and mean4
and sem4
to the default wasm configuration wasm_vm.
The raw and processed data, as well as the graph, can be compared to the provided data in the data
Table 1 shows the raw data of the over head of typechecking using wasm-prechk. It shows that wasm-prechk takes an average of .16 seconds longer to compile, and .22 seconds longer to validate (typecheck) than wasm. In addition, it shows that wasm-prechk annotations and manually added checks result in an extra 1469 bytes in the binary size on average.
The folders compile_time
, and validation_time
must be present in ~/PolybenchC-4.2.1
for their respective scripts to work.
As above, ~/PolybenchC-4.2.1/utilities/annotated_benchmarks
controls which benchmarks the scripts will include, and can be included to evaluate the benchmark suite in pieces.
These results can be reproduced using the following instructions from within ~/PolybenchC-4.2.1
will producecompile_time.csv
, with the compilation times. This command may take a while to run (it took around an hour and a half on the machine we used, the specs of which can be found in the paper, lines 952-957)../utilities/
will producevalidation_time.csv
, with the validation times. This command may take a while to run (it similarly took around an hour and a half)../utilities/
will producesizes.csv
, with the binary sizes. This should execute very quickly.
The binary sizes should be exactly equal. The validation and compilation times may vary, perhaps significantly depending on the specs of the computer used, but the difference between the times for wasm and wasm-prechk shoudn't change significantly.