Library for generating avro schema files (.avsc) based on DB tables structure.
- Prepare a db connection URL, username and a password. Use these to create a DbSchemaExtractor
- If you're fancy, configure FormatterConfig and AvroConfig.
- Tell schema extractor to give you avro models for tables that you're interested in.
- Pass those to SchemaGenerator which will give you perfect avro schemas.
// Initialize db crawler that will create avro model objects
DbSchemaExtractor schemaExtractor = new DbSchemaExtractor("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306", "root", "pass");
AvroConfig avroConfig = new AvroConfig("some.namespace");
// Get avro models for a few tables
List<AvroSchema> schemas = schemaExtractor.getForTables(avroConfig, "mydb", "users", "payments");
for (AvroSchema schema : schemas) {
// Pass avro model to SchemaGenerator, get schema and print it out.
String schemaJson = SchemaGenerator.generate(schema);
DbSchemaExtractor schemaExtractor = new DbSchemaExtractor("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306", "root", "pass");
// Some of available configuration options
AvroConfig avroConfig = new AvroConfig("some.namespace")
.setRepresentEnumsAsStrings(true) // use 'string' avro type instead of 'enum' for enums
.setAllFieldsDefaultNull(true) // adds default: 'null' to fields definition
.setNullableTrueByDefault(true) // makes all fields nullable
.setSchemaNameMapper(new ToCamelCase().andThen(new RemovePlural())) // specify table name transformation to be used for schema name
.setUnknownTypeResolver(type -> "string") // specify what to do with custom and unsupported db types
.setDateTypeClass(Date.class) // add hint for avro compiler about which class to use for dates
.setAvroSchemaPostProcessor((schema, table) -> {
// adding some custom properties to avro schema
schema.addCustomProperty("db-schema-name", "mydb");
schema.addCustomProperty("db-table-name", table.getName());
// Get avro models for a few tables
List<AvroSchema> schemas = schemaExtractor.getAll(avroConfig);
// You can specify some formatting options by creating a FormatterConfig and passing it to SchemaGenerator.
FormatterConfig formatterConfig = FormatterConfig.builder()
.setIndent(" ")
for (AvroSchema schema : schemas) {
String schemaJson = SchemaGenerator.generate(schema, formatterConfig);
DB crawling is done using the SchemaCrawler So it should work fine with RDBMS mentioned here:
avro-schema-generator itself was successfully used with MySQL and PostgreSQL.