Question2Answer plugin to email posts to configured emails.
Copy or clone this repository inside the qa-plugins
folder and that's it!
- Select which types of posts (questions, answers, comments) have emails sent
- Multiple notification email addresses
- Emails' "From" fields contain original poster, while Sender is the admin email address
- Bcc to notification addresses instead of using To
- Configurable prefix in email subject
- Plain-text or HTML emails
- Customized styles for HTML emails, using deployed themes or custom CSS files
- Include content of other posts in the emails (e.g. answers can include the original question; comments can include their parent and the parent question)
- Limit notifications to categories favorited by the owners of each notification email
More to come!
All configuration is through the plugin's Admin form. Custom CSS stylesheets,
if used, must be copied into the plugin's custom-styles
folder (see