Displays a fictitious list of job applicants together with their details such as address, phone numbers, education and work experience.
Written in Java + JavaScript.
Database: PostgreSQL.
Uses: EclipseLink 2.5.2, PostgreSQL JDBC Driver, Jersey.
Design: GOV.UK Frontend Toolkit (https://github.com/alphagov/govuk_frontend_toolkit)
Hosted by Heroku (https://frozen-thicket-70643.herokuapp.com)
Application is built using Maven and packaged as a *.war archive.
Application uses PostgreSQL database. A sample database is included in the form of a backup file at:
- ./src/main/resources/db_backup.backup - custom format (used by Heroku PostgreSQL)
- ./src/main/resources/db_backup_plain.backup - plain text format
Sample database contains 4 job applications from 4 applicants and 1 position they apply for.
Application expects the connection details to be stored in the environment variable DATABASE_URL. The format is as follows:
DATABASE_URL = postgres://<username>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<dbname>
Application makes use of the following resources:
./rest/resources/applicants - get all applicants
./rest/resources/applicants/<id> - get the applicant with ID = <id>
./rest/resources/applications/1 - get all applications for position with ID = 1
./rest/resources/applications/1/<id> - get an application for position with ID = 1 from an applicant with ID = <id>
./rest/resources/applications/1/<firstname>/<lastname> - get an application for position with ID = 1 from an applicant whose first name = <firstname> and whose last name = <lastname>