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Situation is: you have a ReportHandlerCommand which generates various reports about user activity, payments, etc. Handler itself does not generate reports. It only executes generators. Each generator creates different reports. For example UserActivityReportGenerator generates report based on user activity, UserPaymentsReportGenerator generates report about payments, made by users, etc.

You get the idea, right?

Your job is to write 3 classes:

  1. ReportHandlerCommand

a. Command name should be report:handler

b. You must pass one mandatory argument report_generator_name like user_activity

c. Handler by given argument should execute relevant generator’s method generate()

  1. UserActivityReportGenerator

a. Class must contain single method generate() which outputs following text “User Activity Generator” when executed

  1. UserPaymentsReportGenerator

a. Class must contain single method generate() which outputs following text “User Payments Parser” when executed


  1. Method generate() is mandatory. Make sure each generator implements it.

  2. Generators are not Symfony Commands.

  3. Handler should know automatically about new generators. You cannot pass generators to Handler’s __construct() method

  4. Use Symfony 3.4

  5. Use tags

Desired example:

bin/console report:handler user_activity should output User Activity Generator bin/console report:handler user_payments should output User Payments Generator

Good luck!


technical task on symfony 3.4







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