Modifying ResNet18 from the following repository to give higher accuracy for <5M parameters
Our experiments for 40 epochs in the main file include:
- Reducing number of residual blocks
- Reducing number of residual layers and residual blocks
- Reducing number of residual layers, blocks and increasing number of channels
- Reducing number of residual layers, blocks, increasing number of channels and modifying average pool kernel size
- Same configuration as configuration 3 but changing number of channels in the initial residual layer
- Same configuration as configuration 4 but changing number of channels in the initial residual layer
We also experimented with bottleneck, with more epochs, using SGD as optimizer instead of Adam and auto-augment policy for image transformation which can be found in our experiments folder.
Instructions for running:
- You can run the main mini_project.ipynb file for all the 6 configurations discussed above trained for 40 epochs.
- You can use the models from the models folder to save time running the visualization and evaluation section.
- You can checkout our experiments folder for other configuration change experiments not included in the main notebook.
- You can refer the output folder for all the main configuration training runs snapshot.
- configuration2_100epochs.ipynb has the followup run for configuration 2 (our best model) with 100 epochs.