Thanks to this image-editing like software, you can design interfaces and draw images for ComputerCraft with ease.
The following tools are available:
- Place (n): allows you to place letters and symbols, selected in the right panel. You can drag to draw multiple symbols at once. You can also press shift before starting to drag and draw lines. Similarly, you can press ctrl to draw boxes.
- Text (t): allows you to input text directly from you keyboard. Press enter to write the text on the screen, shift enter to add a newline.
- Select (s): allows you to move parts of the display, delete areas and copy-paste. You can use delete, select characters and colors to apply a change to all the selection at once. Drag the selection to move its content. You can also use regular copy and past to duplicate areas, as well as share it in text form.
- Draw (d) : allows you to edit subpixels. You can use shift and ctrl to draw lines and boxes.