Although most who develop software prefer to use IDE's some level of interactions with terminals and shells are common. The following tutorials attempts to teach general proficiency when that occurs and is intended for novice to beginner users.
Instructions are streamlined with the assumption of macOS.
- Download and Install iTerm2
- Open iTerm and install zsh using ohmyzsh
- Clone this repo and navigate to it in your terminal
Lesson 1: Shell 101
- Unix File System
- Basic file manipulation
Lesson 2: Scripts, Sesssions & vim
- Writing to files & vim basics
- intro to bash scripts
- permissions and ownership
- Shell sessions, environment variables, & aliases
- session profiles
Lesson 3: Pipes, Grep, Shortcuts & Leftovers
- Additional file readers
- Searching files with grep
- Learning about pipes
- history & additional shortcuts
- Leftovers