Arvis workflow to see network info and discover local devices
Use npm
$ npm install --global arvis-show-network-info
or download arvisworkflow
file from releases
- See local-, public-, and gateway ip address.
- Scan and list all devices on local network.
- Copy ip to clipboard.
- Open ip in browser.
- Connect to ip via ssh.
- Toggle functions via Workflow Variables.
In Arvis, type ip4
, ⏎
- press ⏎ to copy a ip address.
- press ⌘ + ⏎ to open ip address in browser.
- press ⌥ + ⏎ to connect to ip address via ssh.
Please feel free to create a PR and/or make a code review!
Find better and more suitable icons -
Write workflow readme -
Make a presentation gif for readme -
Update to work with Arvis 4 - Scan for open ports
- Spread it to the public on arvis forums ect.
- Your idea here
- Vincent Klaiber (@vinkla)
- Jeff Byrnes (@jeffbyrnes)
- internal-ip made by Sindre Sorhus is licensed by MIT
- public-ip made by Sindre Sorhus is licensed by MIT
- default-gateway made by silverwind is licensed by BSD
- local-devices made by Dylan Piercey
- Icons made by Freepik from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
🔗 This workflow is converted from alfred-workflow.
Note that there might be some code change or different actions from the original workflow.
Marked original workflow's creator to author.
MIT © Jeppe Stærk